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Bio-Rad Enables Laboratory Excellence in Immunohematology with Launch of IH-500 NEXT Fully Automated System for ID-Cards

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE: BIO and BIOb), a global leader of life science research and clinical diagnostic products, today announced the launch of the IH-500TM NEXT System, a fully automated system for ID-Cards.

Bio-Rad is one of the world’s most respected suppliers of blood screening systems, serving blood banks and transfusion centers globally for over 70 years. Launched in 2015, the IH-500 blood typing system offers the highest level of automation and is considered today a gold standard in immunohematology labs, with over 2,500 installations worldwide. In an evolving environment, with the IH-500 NEXT System, Bio-Rad offers enhanced benefits to address the current and future needs of laboratories.

Bio-Rad Enables Laboratory Excellence in Immunohematology with Launch of IH-500 NEXT Fully Automated System for ID-Cards

“We launched our IH-500 NEXT fully automated system for ID-Cards to meet the emerging demands and challenges in the laboratory and health environments,” said Dara Wright, Bio-Rad’s Executive Vice President and President, Clinical Diagnostics Group. “The instrument features optimized result interpretation, providing excellence in grading results, and enhanced cybersecurity. These features are designed to help our customers improve the efficiency and productivity of laboratory testing by reducing costs, meeting increased regulatory demands, and addressing staff shortages.”

The IH-500 NEXT System not only reduces instrument downtime and increases laboratory productivity, but also provides the flexibility and freedom to use high-performing Bio-Rad Reagent Red Blood Cells (RBCs) as well as the lab’s own RBCs or third-party Reagent RBCs.

The IH-500 NEXT System also integrates with Bio-Rad’s antibody identification software, IH-AbID, providing full testing traceability for patient results. The instrument is upgraded to Windows 10 allowing for the installation of the latest compatible security updates.

The IH-500 NEXT System is used with Bio-Rad’s ID-Cards, offering a broad portfolio for both routine testing (type and screen) and specialized testing, including single antigen determination and newborn screening. For more information, please visit

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