Forum Labo 2025

C1q, C1 Inhibitor, C5 and Factor B assays for Nephelometry and Turbidimetry

TRIMERO Diagnostics offers C1q, C5, C1 (Esterase) Inhibitor and Factor B (C3 Proactivator) IVD CE marked assays on:

  • Beckman Coulter’s IMMAGE® Immunochemical Systems

  • Siemens Healthcare’s BN™ Series and Atellica® NEPH 630 nephelometers

  • Clinical Chemistry Analyzers


In order to ensure lot to lot traceability, values ​​have been referred to the International Ref. Preparation for human serum complement Factors (NIBSC code: W1032) of the WHO (World Health Organization).

Other TRIMERO’s available assays for nephelometry and turbidimetry include:

KLoneus® Free Light Chains (FLC) for serum and urine, Serum Amyloid A, IgD Immunoglobulins, Retinol Binding Protein (RBP) for serum and urine, Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR), Hemopexin, Cystatin-C for serum and urine, A1-Microglobulin, Beta-2 Microglobulin for serum and urine, Kappa and Lambda Light Chains for serum and urine.

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Forum Labo 2025