Bio-Rad - Preparing for a Stress-free QC Audit

DAS an experienced Medical Laboratory Automation Designer and Manufacturer

DAS an experienced Medical Laboratory Automation Designer and Manufacturer, with its highly skilled engineers, is committed to constantly develop and enhance the performances of its lab processors. Within the full automation product range there are instruments to process: ELISA microplates, IFA immunofluorescence-slides and BLOT line strips, the named technologies can be also processed at same time in the same processor.

The open processors are fully equipped with incubating temperature for each microplate, shaker for each microplate, Sample Bar code reader, 2D Slide reader, all necessary dedicated trays and software inclusive.

The instruments are to be put on the bench and ready to work, no hassle. Remote assistance guaranteed.

DAS will be at the AACC – Clinical Lab Expo 2023 – Anaheim, California – Booth 564.

You’ll be welcome to see us there to discuss any commercial or technical issue.  To fix an appointment or questions you may have, ask:

Scherm­afbeelding 2023 07 10 om 15.12.02

Mixed Technologies Contemporary Process

Forum Labo 2025