The absence of a protein called SMG1 could be a contributing factor in the development of Parkinson’s disease and other related neurological disorders, according to a study led by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen).
The study screened 711 human kinases (key regulators of cellular functions) and 206 phosphatases (key regulators of metabolic processes) to determine which might have the greatest relationship to the aggregation of a protein known as alpha-synuclein, which has been previously implicated in Parkinson’s disease. Previous studies have shown that hyperphosphorylation of the α-synuclein protein on serine 129 is related to this aggregation.
‘Identifying the kinases and phosphates that regulate this critical phosphorylation event may ultimately prove beneficial in the development of new drugs that could prevent synuclein dysfunction and toxicity in Parkinson’s disease and other synucleinopathies,’ said Dr. Travis Dunckley, a TGen Assistant Professor and senior author of the study.
Synucleinopathies are neurodegenerative disorders characterised
by aggregates of α-synuclein protein. They include Parkinson’s, various forms of dementia and multiple systems atrophy (MSA).
By using the latest in genomic technologies, Dr. Dunckley and collaborators found that expression of the protein SMG1 was ‘significantly reduced’ in tissue samples of patients with Parkinson’s and dementia.
‘These results suggest that reduced SMG1 expression may be a contributor to α-synuclein pathology in these diseases,’ Dr. Dunckley said.
TGen collaborators in this study included researchers from Banner Sun Health Institute and Mayo Clinic Scottsdale.
Translational Genomics Research Institute 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:26Absence of the SMG1 protein could contribute to Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders
The cause of neuronal death in Parkinson’s disease is still unknown, but a new study proposes that neurons may be mistaken for foreign invaders and killed by the person’s own immune system, similar to the way autoimmune diseases like type I diabetes, celiac disease, and multiple sclerosis attack the body’s cells.
‘This is a new, and likely controversial, idea in Parkinson’s disease; but if true, it could lead to new ways to prevent neuronal death in Parkinson’s that resemble treatments for autoimmune diseases,’ said the study’s senior author, David Sulzer, PhD, professor of neurobiology in the departments of psychiatry, neurology, and pharmacology at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons.
The new hypothesis about Parkinson’s emerges from other findings in the study that overturn a deep-seated assumption about neurons and the immune system.
For decades, neurobiologists have thought that neurons are protected from attacks from the immune system, in part, because they do not display antigens on their cell surfaces. Most cells, if infected by virus or bacteria, will display bits of the microbe (antigens) on their outer surface. When the immune system recognises the foreign antigens, T cells attack and kill the cells. Because scientists thought that neurons did not display antigens, they also thought that the neurons were exempt from T-cell attacks.
‘That idea made sense because, except in rare circumstances, our brains cannot make new neurons to replenish ones killed by the immune system,’ Dr. Sulzer says. ‘But, unexpectedly, we found that some types of neurons can display antigens.’
Cells display antigens with special proteins called MHCs. Using postmortem brain tissue donated to the Columbia Brain Bank by healthy donors, Dr. Sulzer and his postdoc Carolina Cebrián, PhD, first noticed—to their surprise—that MHC-1 proteins were present in two types of neurons. These two types of neurons—one of which is dopamine neurons in a brain region called the substantia nigra—degenerate during Parkinson’s disease.
To see if living neurons use MHC-1 to display antigens (and not for some other purpose), Drs. Sulzer and Cebrián conducted in vitro experiments with mouse neurons and human neurons created from embryonic stem cells. The studies showed that under certain circumstances—including conditions known to occur in Parkinson’s—the neurons use MHC-1 to display antigens. Among the different types of neurons tested, the two types affected in Parkinson’s were far more responsive than other neurons to signals that triggered antigen display.
The researchers then confirmed that T cells recognised and attacked neurons displaying specific antigens.
The results raise the possibility that Parkinson’s is partly an autoimmune disease, Dr. Sulzer says, but more research is needed to confirm the idea.
Columbia University Medical Center 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:04Is Parkinson’s an autoimmune disease?
Studying epithelial cells, the cell type that most commonly turns cancerous, Johns Hopkins researchers have identified a protein that causes cells to release from their neighbours and migrate away from healthy mammary, or breast, tissue in mice. They also found that deletion of a cellular ‘Velcro protein’ does not cause the single-celled migration expected. Their results, they say, help clarify the molecular changes required for cancer cells to metastasize.
Because epithelial cells give rise to 85 percent of all cancers, the work may have implications outside of breast cancer.
Epithelial cells line the inside and outside of organs throughout the body. The team focused their work on mammary epithelial cells, which form the ducts that carry milk within the breast. ‘Tumour cells have to break their connections to other epithelial cells in order to leave the breast and build metastases in other parts of the body,’ explains Andrew Ewald, Ph.D., assistant professor of cell biology and oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
For their study, Ewald’s team removed small pieces of mammary tissue from normal mice and grew them in gels that mimic their natural environment. By using coloured proteins to mark different types of cells, they were able to use microscopes to watch how cell behaviour varied with the genetics of the cells.
The first protein they studied was E-cadherin, which is found on the surface of most epithelial cells and is used to connect epithelial cells to each other. E-cadherin is like the Velcro that holds epithelial cells together, and its absence is often associated with human breast cancers, says Ewald.
In one experiment, the team deleted the protein from normal mouse mammary cells and watched what happened. Expecting the cells to completely disconnect and move out on their own into the surrounding gel, the researchers were surprised to find that most of the epithelial cells remained connected to each other, although their organisation was disrupted. Some of the epithelial cells did penetrate the gel, but usually in single-file ‘columns’ that remained connected to the tissue. A similar result was seen in live mice.
‘For tumour cells to metastasise, they have to begin interacting with the proteins outside of the tumour and eventually strike out on their own,’ says Eliah Shamir, a graduate student in Ewald’s lab and lead author on the study. ‘When we deleted E-cadherin, the epithelial cells began interacting more with proteins in the gel, but they didn’t lose contact with the rest of the mammary tissue.’
In a second set of experiments, the team turned on a gene called Twist1, which is thought to affect the activity of many genes needed to transform groups of stationary epithelial cells into independent, mobile cells. The result, they say, was dramatic. Within 24 hours of turning on Twist1, dozens of individual cells began to move past the epithelial boundary and into the gel beyond. Again, similar results were seen when the experiment was repeated in live mice.
Surprisingly, the researchers say that when they caused epithelial cells lacking E-cadherin to turn on Twist1, the cells were no longer able to escape into the gel as single cells. Instead, they created many ‘columns’ of cells, which didn’t detach from the mammary tissue. These results suggest that the single-celled detachment and migration induced by Twist1 actually requires the presence of E-cadherin — the Velcro protein that helps bind the cells together. ‘This finding is quite counterintuitive,’ Ewald says, ‘and we are eager to understand the biology behind it.’
Since Twist1 is known to affect the activity of many genes, the researchers have begun to narrow down which of those genes is responsible for the cellular spread they witnessed. With that information, they hope to identify new means of preventing metastasis.
‘Our goal is to improve outcomes for patients with metastatic breast cancer, and this work takes us one step closer to doing so,’ says Ewald.
John Hopkin’s Medicine 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:11‘Velcro protein’ found to play surprising role in cell migration
Researchers have developed a new assay for rapid and sensitive detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in humans. This procedure takes less than 20 minutes and can be easily performed at the point of care (POC) during the patient’s visit.
C. trachomatis affects 5% to 10% of the population and is particularly common in young adults under 25 years. It is a major public health concern due to its prevalence and potential severe long-term consequences. One of the main reasons it is so prevalent is that in the majority of cases (75% of women and 50% of men) there are minimal to no symptoms, and it therefore often goes undiagnosed. Infection is associated with non-gonococcal urethritis in men and several inflammatory reproductive tract syndromes in women such as inflammation of the uterine cervix and pelvic inflammatory disease. Untreated, the infection increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and is one of the leading causes of female infertility worldwide.
The assay uses recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA), a nucleic acid amplification technique (NAAT), to detect C. trachomatis directly from urine samples. Because the assay’s novel approach does not require the purification of total DNA from the urine sample, the need for specialized equipment is eliminated. The procedure is significantly less laborious, less time-consuming, and consequently less expensive. It is relatively simple to perform and could therefore be applied in numerous POC settings.
‘The assay enables highly specific C. trachomatis detection with sensitivity levels significantly improved compared to currently available C. trachomatis POC assays,’ says Ülo Langel, PhD, Professor of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Tartu, Estonia, and Professor of Neurochemistry,Stockholm University, Sweden.
Existing polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques for testing C. trachomatis are widely applied but are only suitable for use in hospitals with trained staff and expensive machinery. Studies have shown that up to 50% of patients never return to get the diagnostic result or required treatment.
Although several rapid-diagnosis POC tests have already been developed, none offer a comparable sensitivity to hospital-based techniques. Recent independent studies have shown that currently available POC tests have a sensitivity of just 10% to 40%. Initial analysis of the new assay’s performance indicated a specificity of 100% and a sensitivity of 83%, evidence of its potential reliability.
‘The alarmingly poor performance of the available POC tests for C. trachomatis has limited their wider use, and there is a clear requirement for more sensitive and cost-effective diagnostic platforms. Hence, the need for an applicable on-site test that offers reasonably sensitive detection,’ concludes Prof. Langel.
Elsevier 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:18New diagnostic test can detect Chlamydia trachomatis in less than 20 minutes
Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies, in collaboration with Osaka City University and Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, have used functional PET imaging to show that levels of neuroinflammation, or inflammation of the nervous system, are higher in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome than in healthy people.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, which is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a debilitating condition characterised by chronic, profound, and disabling fatigue. Unfortunately, the causes are not well understood.
Neuroinflammation—the inflammation of nerve cells—has been hypothesised to be a cause of the condition, but no clear evidence has been put forth to support this idea. Now, in this clinically important study, the researchers found that indeed the levels of neuroinflammation markers are elevated in CFS/ME patients compared to the healthy controls.
The researchers performed PET scanning on nine people diagnosed with CFS/ME and ten healthy people, and asked them to complete a questionnaire describing their levels of fatigue, cognitive impairment, pain, and depression. For the PET scan they used a protein that is expressed by microglia and astrocyte cells, which are known to be active in neuroinflammation.
The researchers found that neuroinflammation is higher in CFS/ME patients than in healthy people. They also found that inflammation in certain areas of the brain—the cingulate cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, midbrain, and pons—was elevated in a way that correlated with the symptoms, so that for instance, patients who reported impaired cognition tended to demonstrate neuroinflammation in the amygdala, which is known to be involved in cognition. This provides clear evidence of the association between neuroinflammation and the symptoms experienced by patients with CFS/ME.
Though the study was a small one, confirmation of the concept that PET scanning could be used as an objective test for CFS/ME could lead to better diagnosis and ultimately to the development of new therapies to provide relief to the many people around the world afflicted by this condition. Dr. Yasuyoshi Watanabe, who led the study at RIKEN, stated, ‘We plan to continue research following this exciting discovery in order to develop objective tests for CFS/ME and ultimately ways to cure and prevent this debilitating disease.’
RIKEN 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:07Toward a clearer diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome
Neuroblastoma is one of the most common and lethal types of childhood cancers. A researcher at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio unveils the important role of microRNAs in regulating neuroblastoma development, pointing to new therapeutic possibilities.
Neuroblastomas, which account for 15 percent of childhood cancer deaths, happen when some cells do not differentiate and grow as they should. A promising type of therapy called differentiation therapy targets these malignant cells so that they can resume the process of differentiating into mature cells.
Unlike conventional chemotherapies, this new approach to cancer therapy has fewer toxic side effects, and gives hope for a cancer treatment that is gentler on young bodies. But so far only a few differentiation agents have been successfully used to treat neuroblastoma, and more than half of the young patients treated with such agents still see their cancer return.
To find new treatments, researchers needed improved laboratory screening techniques, and now one has been developed by Liqin Du, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, and her team at the Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute at the UT Health Science Center.
MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules involved in gene expression, and play an important role in cell development. This screening approach revealed several microRNA molecules that induce the process of cell differentiation, and those are key to developing new drugs.
‘Development of new agents for treating neuroblastoma has been greatly hampered by the lack of efficient high-throughput screening approaches,’ Dr. Du said. ‘In our study, we applied a novel high-content screening approach that we recently developed to investigate the role of microRNAs in neuroblastoma differentiation.
‘We identified a set of novel microRNAs that are potent inducers of neuroblastoma cell differentiation and found that mimics (synthetic fragments of nucleic acid used to raise microRNA levels in cells) of some of the identified microRNAs are much more potent in inducing neuroblastoma cell differentiation than the current differentiation treatments.
‘These mimics are promising new drugs for neuroblastoma differentiation therapy,’ Dr. Du said. ‘We look forward to investigating this further in the future.’
UT Health Science Center San Antonio 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:14Improved lab screening technique opens door for new pediatric neuroblastoma therapies
A team of researchers from UCLA and Harvard University have demonstrated a technique that, by measuring the physical properties of individual cells in body fluids, can diagnose cancer with a high degree of accuracy.
The technique, which uses a deformability cytometer to analyse individual cells, could reduce the need for more cumbersome diagnostic procedures and the associated costs, while improving accuracy over current methods. The initial clinical study analysed pleural fluid samples from more than 100 patients.
Pleural fluid, a natural lubricant of the lungs as they expand and contract during breathing, is normally present in spaces surrounding the lungs. Medical conditions such as pneumonia, congestive heart failure and cancer can cause an abnormally large buildup of the fluid, which is called a pleural effusion.
When cytopathologists screen for cancer in pleural effusions, they perform a visual analysis of prepared cells extracted from the fluid. Preparing cells for this analysis can involve complicated and time-consuming dyeing or molecular labelling, and the tests often do not definitively determine the presence of tumour cells. As a result, additional costly tests often are required.
The method in the UCLA–Harvard study, developed previously by the UCLA researchers, requires little sample preparation, relying instead on the imaging of cells as they flow through in microscale fluid conduits.
Imagine squeezing two balloons, one filled with water and one filled with honey. The balloons would feel different and would deform differently in your grip. The researchers used this principle on the cellular level by using a fluid grip to ‘squeeze’ individual cells that are 10,000 times smaller than balloons—a technique called ‘deformability cytometry.’ The amount of a cell’s compression can provide insights about the cell’s makeup or structure, such as the elasticity of its membrane or the resistance to flow of the DNA or proteins inside it. Cancer cells have a different architecture and are softer than healthy cells and, as a result, ‘deform’ differently.
Using deformability cytometry, researchers can analyse more than 1,000 cells per second as they are suspended in a flowing fluid, providing significantly more detail on the variations within each patient’s sample than could be detected using previous physical analysis techniques.
The researchers also noted that the more detailed information they obtained improved the sensitivity of the test: Some patient samples that were not identified as cancerous via traditional methods were found to be so through deformability cytometry. These results were verified six months later.
‘Building off of these results, we are starting studies with many more patients to determine if this could be a cost-effective diagnostic tool and provide even more detailed information about cancer origin,’ said Dino Di Carlo, associate professor of bioengineering at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science and a co-principal investigator on the research. ‘It could help to reduce laboratory workload and accelerate diagnosis, as well as offer doctors a new way to improve clinical decision-making.’
University of California – Los Angeles 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:21Researchers’ new technique improves accuracy, ease of cancer diagnosis
Scientists have found that a simple blood test, which can read DNA, could be used to predict obesity levels in children.
Researchers at the Universities of Southampton, Exeter and Plymouth used the test to assess the levels of epigenetic switches in the PGC1a gene – a gene that regulates fat storage in the body.
Epigenetic switches take place through a chemical change called DNA methylation which controls how genes work and is set during early life.
The Southampton team found that the test, when carried out on children at five years old, differentiates between children with a high body fat and those with a low body fat when they were older. Results showed that a rise in DNA methylation levels of 10 per cent at five years was associated with up to 12 per cent more body fat at 14 years. Results were independent of the child’s gender, their amount of physical activity and their timing of puberty.
Dr Graham Burdge, of the University of Southampton who led the study with colleague Dr Karen Lillycrop, comments: ‘It can be difficult to predict when children are very young, which children will put on weight or become obese. It is important to know which children are at risk because help, such as suggestions about their diet, can be offered early and before they start to gain weight.
‘The results of our study provide further evidence that being overweight or obese in childhood is not just due to lifestyle, but may also involve important basic processes that control our genes. We hope that this knowledge will help us to develop and test new ways to prevent children developing obesity which can be introduced before a child starts to gain excess weight. However, our findings now need to be tested in larger groups of children.’
The researchers used DNA samples from 40 children who took part in the EarlyBird project, which studied 300 children in Plymouth from the age of five until they were 14 years old.
Led by Professor Wilkin, the study assessed the children in Plymouth each year for factors related to type 2 diabetes, such as the amount of exercise they undertook and the amount of fat in their body. A blood sample was collected and stored. The Southampton team extracted DNA from these blood samples to test for epigenetic switches.
Professor Wilkin says: ‘The EarlyBird study has already provided important information about the causes of obesity in children. Now samples stored during the study have provided clues about the role of fundamental processes that affect how genes work, over which a child has no control. This has shown that these mechanisms can affect their health during childhood and as adults.’
University of Southampton 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:09Blood test may help predict whether a child will become obese
For the first time, scientists at King’s College London have identified a gene linking the thickness of the grey matter in the brain to intelligence. The study may help scientists understand biological mechanisms behind some forms of intellectual impairment.
The researchers looked at the cerebral cortex, the outermost layer of the human brain. It is known as ‘grey matter’ and plays a key role in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language and consciousness. Previous studies have shown that the thickness of the cerebral cortex, or ‘cortical thickness’, closely correlates with intellectual ability, however no genes had yet been identified.
An international team of scientists, led by King’s, analysed DNA samples and MRI scans from 1,583 healthy 14 year old teenagers, part of the IMAGEN cohort. The teenagers also underwent a series of tests to determine their verbal and non-verbal intelligence.
Dr Sylvane Desrivières, from the MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre at King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry and lead author of the study, said: ‘We wanted to find out how structural differences in the brain relate to differences in intellectual ability. The genetic variation we identified is linked to synaptic plasticity – how neurons communicate. This may help us understand what happens at a neuronal level in certain forms of intellectual impairments, where the ability of the neurons to communicate effectively is somehow compromised.’
She adds: ‘It’s important to point out that intelligence is influenced by many genetic and environmental factors. The gene we identified only explains a tiny proportion of the differences in intellectual ability, so it’s by no means a ‘gene for intelligence’.’
The researchers looked at over 54,000 genetic variants possibly involved in brain development. They found that, on average, teenagers carrying a particular gene variant had a thinner cortex in the left cerebral hemisphere, particularly in the frontal and temporal lobes, and performed less well on tests for intellectual ability. The genetic variation affects the expression of the NPTN gene, which encodes a protein acting at neuronal synapses and therefore affects how brain cells communicate.
To confirm their findings, the researchers studied the NPTN gene in mouse and human brain cells. The researchers found that the NPTN gene had a different activity in the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which may cause the left hemisphere to be more sensitive to the effects of NPTN mutations. Their findings suggest that some differences in intellectual abilities can result from the decreased function of the NPTN gene in particular regions of the left brain hemisphere.
The genetic variation identified in this study only accounts for an estimated 0.5% of the total variation in intelligence. However, the findings may have important implications for the understanding of biological mechanisms underlying several psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, autism, where impaired cognitive ability is a key feature of the disorder.
Paper reference: Desrivières, S. et al. ‘Single nucleotide polymorphism in the neuroplastin locus associates with cortical thickness and intellectual ability in adolescents’ published in Molecular Psychiatry
King’s College London 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:16Scientists identify gene linking brain structure to intelligence
The sensitivity of the GLP-1 hormone, which is secreted by the gastrointestinal tract, can predict the metabolic efficacy of a gastric bypass. The use of a GLP1 challenge could thus function as a novel predictive biomarker for personalised treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity
The gastric bypass is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the treatment of obesity. In most patients, it quickly produces substantial body weight loss. Moreover, even before the weight loss, the procedure leads to improved glucose tolerance. However, these metabolic improvements vary considerably from patient to patient.
A hormone test may be able to predict the extent of metabolic improvement caused by the gastric bypass. These are the results of a study on a rodent model conducted by Prof. Dr. Matthias Tschöp and his colleagues from the Institute of Diabetes and Obesity (IDO), Helmholtz Diabetes Center at Helmholtz Zentrum München together with a team of researchers led by Dr. Kirk Habegger at the Metabolic Disease Institute of the University of Cincinnati.
After gastric bypass surgery, the concentration of the gut hormone GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1) in the blood rises significantly. GLP-1 increases insulin secretion and contributes to improved blood glucose levels and blood lipids. As the rat studies by the Tschöp and Habegger research teams showed, GLP-1 responsiveness varied considerably with regard to glucose metabolism. More importantly, the more responsive the animals were to GLP-1, the greater the efficacy of the gastric bypass turned out to be regarding glucose metabolism improvements.
Thus, the responsiveness to GLP-1 could be a key indicator for the success of the gastric bypass. ‘If our results are confirmed in clinical trials with patients, the hormone response could be tested before the planned surgery and surgeons would be able to predict how much an individual patient’s glucose metabolism would benefit,’ said Tschöp. ‘This will contribute to the development of personalized therapies for type 2 diabetes and obesity. For surgical procedures such as gastric bypass this is particularly compelling because such operations are complex and cannot be easily reversed.’
The numerous secondary diseases related to excess weight and obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, are among the most common diseases in Germany. These diseases are the focus of research at Helmholtz Zentrum München, a partner in the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD).
Helmholtz Zentrum München 09:35:032021-01-08 11:12:26Gut hormone test predicts individual efficacy of gastric bypass
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