A new bloodstream infection test created by UC Irvine researchers can speed up diagnosis times with unprecedented accuracy, allowing physicians to treat patients with potentially deadly ailments more promptly and effectively.
The UCI team, led by Weian Zhao, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, developed a new technology called Integrated Comprehensive Droplet Digital Detection. In as little as 90 minutes, IC 3D can detect bacteria in milliliters of blood with single-cell sensitivity; no cell culture is needed.
“We are extremely excited about this technology because it addresses a long-standing unmet medical need in the field,” Zhao said. “As a platform technology, it may have many applications in detecting extremely low-abundance biomarkers in other areas, such as cancers, HIV and, most notably, Ebola.”
Bloodstream infections are a major cause of illness and death. In particular, infections associated with antimicrobial-resistant pathogens are a growing health problem in the U.S. and worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, more than 2 million people a year globally get antibiotic-resistant blood infections, with about 23,000 deaths. The extremely high mortality rate for blood infections is due, in part, to the inability to rapidly diagnose and treat patients in the early stages.
Recent molecular diagnosis methods, including polymerase chain reaction, can reduce the assay time to hours but are often not sensitive enough to detect bacteria that occur at low concentrations in blood, as is common in patients with blood infections.
The IC 3D technology differs from other diagnostic techniques in that it converts blood samples directly into billions of very small droplets. Fluorescent DNA sensor solution infused into the droplets detects those with bacterial markers, lighting them up with an intense fluorescent signal. Zhao said that separating the samples into so many small drops minimizes the interference of other components in blood, making it possible to directly detect target bacteria without the purification typically required in conventional assays.
To identify bacteria-containing droplets among billions of others in a timely fashion, the team incorporated a three-dimensional particle counter developed by UCI biomedical engineer Enrico Gratton and his colleagues that tags fluorescent particles within several minutes.
“The IC 3D instrument is designed to read a large volume in each measurement, to speed up diagnosis,” Gratton said. “Importantly, using this technique, we can detect a positive hit with very high confidence.”
University of California, Irvine
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A new genetic finding from Duke Medicine suggests that some people who are prone to hostility, anxiety and depression might also be hard-wired to gain weight when exposed to chronic stress, leading to diabetes and heart disease.
An estimated 13 percent of people, all of whom are Caucasian, might carry the genetic susceptibility, and knowing this could help them reduce heart disease with simple interventions such as a healthy diet, exercise and stress management.
“Genetic susceptibility, psychosocial stress and metabolic factors act in combination to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease,” said Elizabeth Hauser, Ph.D. director of Computational Biology at the Duke Molecular Physiology Institute.
Hauser and colleagues analysed genome-wide association data from nearly 6,000 people enrolled in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). The MESA study began in 2000 to better understand how heart disease starts, compiling the participants’ genetic makeup as well as physical traits such as hip circumference, body mass index, cholesterol readings, glucose levels, blood pressure and other measures.
In the Duke analysis, the researchers first pinpointed a strong correlation between participants who reported high levels of chronic life stress factors and increased central obesity, as measured by hip circumference.
They then tested genetic variations across the genome to see which ones, in combination with stress, seemed to have the biggest influence on hip circumference. It turns out that variations called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the EBF1 gene showed a strong relationship with hip circumference, depending on levels of chronic psychosocial stress. What’s more, among those with this particular genotype, hips grew wider as stress levels increased.
“With further analysis, we found a significant pathway from high chronic life stress to wide hip circumference, to high blood glucose and diabetes, to increased cardiovascular disease, notably atherosclerosis,” said Abanish Singh, Ph.D., a researcher in computational biology at Duke and the study’s lead author. “But we found this only in people who were carriers of the EBF1 single-nucleotide polymorphism, and this was limited to participants who were white.”
The researchers reproduced their findings using data from another study, the Framingham Offspring Cohort.
“These findings suggest that a stress reduction intervention, along with diet and exercise, could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and may be most effective in individuals with this specific genotype,” said Redford Williams, M.D. one of the study’s senior authors and director of Duke’s Behavioral Medicine Research Center.
Duke Medicine
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For some children with autism, the ‘Tooth Fairy’ lives in San Diego and wears a white coat. And the Tooth Fairy may offer an answer to what causes their autism, without painful blood draws or skin biopsies.
Alysson Muotri, associate professor of paediatrics and cellular molecular medicine at the University of California, San Diego, created this inventive project in 2012. He realized that rather than force children to undergo upsetting procedures, parents could simply mail one of their child’s baby teeth, which contain enough genetic information to eliminate the need for an in-person visit.
“We announced the project on social networks like Facebook,” Muorti says. “News spread fast.”
The project has roughly 3,500 registered families and 300 teeth so far, and researchers have found five autism candidate genes from the 20 or so cell lines they have sequenced. Several of those genes have never been implicated in autism before.
“We’re finding lots of new genes and sometimes we have no idea what they do, so the next step is to test whether or not those genes are important,” Muotri says. “This type of study may reveal novel pathways in autism and open up the possibility for personalized treatment.”
Autism’s cause is clear in a subset of cases, but the majority of cases are sporadic, meaning they arise from an unidentified combination of genetic and environmental factors.
“Every sporadic individual will likely carry several mutations that probably contribute to a certain extent to the disease, so it is really hard to model that complex phenotype,” Muotri says.
After receiving a tooth, the researchers extract cells from the dental pulp and sequence the whole genome to search for mutations associated with sporadic autism. They then use these dental cells to create induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, which can be coaxed into becoming neurons. Muotri says he and his colleagues are the first to use iPS-cell-derived human neurons to model sporadic autism.
Simons Foundation Autism Research Institute
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A team of researchers led by a Wayne State University School of Medicine associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology has published findings that provide novel insight into the cause of preeclampsia, the leading cause of maternal and infant death worldwide, a discovery that could lead to the development of new therapeutic treatments.
“Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality worldwide, yet its pathogenesis is still poorly understood,” Dr. Nayak said. “Many studies have suggested that elevated circulating levels of sFlt1 (a tyrosine kinase protein that disables proteins essential to blood vessel growth) contribute to the maternal symptoms of vascular dysfunction that characterize preeclampsia, but the molecular underpinnings of sFlt1 upregulation in preeclampsia have so far been elusive. Our manuscript describes the novel, field-changing finding that vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, of maternal origin can stimulate soluble sFlt1 production by the placenta and that this signalling is involved in the cause of preeclampsia.”
Preeclampsia is a sudden increase in blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy. Indicated by a sudden increase in blood pressure and protein in the urine, preeclampsia warning signs, in addition to elevated blood pressure, can include headaches, swelling in the face and hands, blurred vision, chest pain and shortness of breath. While the condition can manifest within a few hours, some women report few or no symptoms.
The condition is responsible for 76,000 maternal deaths and more than 500,000 infant deaths every year, according to estimates from the Preeclampsia Foundation. It can affect the liver, kidney and brain. Some mothers develop seizures (eclampsia) and suffer intracranial haemorrhage, the main cause of death in those who develop the disorder. Some women develop blindness. The babies of preeclamptic mothers are affected by the condition and may develop intrauterine growth restriction or die in utero.
While VEGF is essential for normal embryonic development, Dr. Nayak said, his team’s research has demonstrated that even mild elevation of VEGF levels during early pregnancy can cause severe placental vascular damage and embryonic lethality. The results show that modest increases in VEGF could also be a primary trigger for elevation of placental sFlt1 expression, leading to preeclampsia.
Furthermore, the findings indicate that sFLT1 plays an essential role in maintaining vascular integrity in the placenta in later stages of pregnancy and suggest that overproduction of sFlt1 in preeclampsia, although damaging to the mother, serves a critical protective function for the placenta and foetus by “sequestering” excess maternal VEGF.
According to the Preeclampsia Foundation, the condition, also known as toxemia or pregnancy-induced hypertension, affects 5 percent to 8 percent of pregnancies. Left untreated or undetected, preeclampsia can rapidly lead to eclampsia, one of the top five causes of maternal death and infant illness and death. Approximately 13 percent of all maternal deaths worldwide – the death of a mother every 12 minutes – have been attributed to eclampsia. The foundation reports that preeclampsia is responsible for nearly 18 percent of all maternal deaths in the United States.
Wayne State University School of Medicine
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Beckman Coulter Diagnostics has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the Access 25(OH) Vitamin D Total assay. Offering state-of-the-art performance, the new assay is an important addition to the company’s bone metabolism assay menu and is available for use on its Access 2 and UniCel DxI series of immunoassay systems. “FDA clearance of our 25(OH) Vitamin D Total assay allows us to provide laboratories with the tools needed to confidently diagnose and manage vitamin D deficiency-related diseases,” said Arnd Kaldowski, president, Beckman Coulter Diagnostics. “The new assay delivers increased accuracy in patient results through traceability to the gold standard 25(OH) vitamin D reference measurement procedure (RMP) from Ghent University and equimolar detection of 25(OH) vitamin D2 and 25(OH) vitamin D3.” The Ghent RMP is the reference procedure utilized by the Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP), an international collaboration established by the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health, with the goal of promoting standardized laboratory measurements of 25(OH) vitamin D around the world. The new assay also provides excellent stability, greater ease-of-use and convenient storage through innovative new packaging designed to prevent light-induced reagent degradation.
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An analysis of the genomes and epigenomes of lean and obese mice and humans has turned up a wealth of clues about how genes and the environment conspire to trigger diabetes, Johns Hopkins researchers say. Their findings reveal that obesity-induced changes to the epigenome — reversible chemical “tags” on DNA — are surprisingly similar in mice and humans, and might provide a new route to prevention and treatment of the disease, which affects hundreds of millions worldwide.
“It’s well known that most common diseases like diabetes result from a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. What we haven’t been able to do is figure out how, exactly, the two are connected,” says Andrew Feinberg, M.D., M.P.H., Gilman Scholar and director of the Center for Epigenetics in the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “This study takes a step in that direction.”
Feinberg has long studied the epigenome, which he compares to “software” that runs on DNA’s “hardware.” Epigenetic chemical tags affect whether and how much genes are used without changing the genetic code itself.
Feinberg wondered whether epigenetics might partly explain the skyrocketing worldwide incidence of type 2 diabetes. Obesity is a well-established risk factor for the disease, so Feinberg’s research group teamed with that of a group led by G. William Wong, Ph.D., an associate professor of physiology in the Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research at Johns Hopkins, to study the epigenetics of otherwise identical mice that were fed either normal or high-calorie diets.
Analyzing epigenetic marks at more than 7 million sites in the DNA of the mice’s fat cells, the researchers found clear differences between the normal and obese mice. Some sites that bore chemical tags called methyl groups in the lean mice were missing them in the obese mice, and vice versa. The methyl groups prevent genes from making proteins.
With colleagues at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet, Feinberg and his team then tested whether the same pattern of differences held in fat cells from lean and obese people, and found, to their surprise, that it did. “Mice and humans are separated by 50 million years of evolution, so it’s interesting that obesity causes similar epigenetic changes to similar genes in both species,” Feinberg says. “It’s likely that when food supplies are highly variable, these epigenetic changes help our bodies adapt to temporary surges in calories. But if the high-calorie diet continues over the long term, the same epigenetic pattern raises the risk for disease.”
The research team also found that some of the epigenetic changes associated with obesity affect genes already known to raise diabetes risk. Others affect genes that had not been conclusively linked to the disease, but that turned out to have roles in how the body breaks down and uses nutrients, a process called metabolism. “This study yielded a list of genes that previously have not been shown to play a role in diabetes,” says Wong. “In further tests, we showed that at least some of these genes indeed regulate insulin action on sugar uptake; they offer insights into new potential targets for treating type 2 diabetes.”
In addition to providing leads for drug development, the results also suggest that an epigenetic test could be developed to identify people much earlier on the path to diabetes, giving more hope for preventing the disease, Feinberg says.
John Hopkins Medicine
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Using next generation gene sequencing techniques, cancer researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have identified more than 3,000 new mutations involved in certain kidney cancers, findings that help explain the diversity of cancer behaviours.
“These studies, which were performed in collaboration with Genentech Inc., identify novel therapeutic targets and suggest that predisposition to kidney cancer across species may be explained, at least in part, by the location of tumour suppressor genes with respect to one another in the genome,” said Dr. James Brugarolas, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Developmental Biology, who leads UT Southwestern’s Kidney Cancer Program at the Harold C. Simmons Cancer Center.
More than 250,000 individuals worldwide are diagnosed with kidney cancer every year, with lifetime risk of kidney cancer in the US estimated at 1.6 percent. Most kidney tumours are renal cell carcinomas, which when metastatic remain largely incurable.
Researchers with UT Southwestern’s Kidney Cancer Program had previously identified a critical gene called BAP1 that is intimately tied to kidney cancer formation. Their latest research shows how BAP1 interacts with a second gene, VHL, to transform a normal kidney cell into a cancer cell, which in part appears to be based on the two gene’s close proximity in humans, said Dr. Brugarolas, a Virginia Murchison Linthicum Endowed Scholar in Medical Research.
The newest findings suggest that the transformation begins with a mutation in one of the two copies of VHL, which is the most frequently mutated gene in the most common form of kidney cancer, clear cell type, which accounts for about 75 percent of kidney cancers. The VHL mutation is followed by a loss of the corresponding chromosome arm containing the second copy of VHL, as well as several other genes including PBRM1 and BAP1. This step eliminates the remaining copy of VHL and along with it, one of the two copies of PBRM1 and BAP1, two important genes that protect the kidney from cancer development. The subsequent mutation of the remaining copy of BAP1 leads to aggressive tumours, whereas mutation of the remaining copy of PBRM1 induces less aggressive tumours, said Dr. Payal Kapur, a key investigator of both studies who is an Associate Professor of Pathology and Urology, and the Pathology co-Leader of the Kidney Cancer Program.
This model also explains why humans born with a mutation in VHL have a high likelihood of developing kidney cancer during their life time. In these individuals, all kidney cells are already deficient for one VHL copy and a single deletion eliminates the second copy, along with a copy of BAP1 and PBRM1. In contrast, in other animals, these three genes are located on different chromosomes and thus more mutational events are required for their inactivation than in humans. Consistent with this notion, when UT Southwestern researchers mutated VHL and BAP1 together, kidney cancer resulted in animals.
In a second collaborative study with Genentech Inc., published in Nature Genetics, investigators implicated several genes for the first time in non-clear cell kidney cancer, a less common type that accounts for about 25 percent of kidney cancers. Researchers identified a gene signature that can help differentiate subtypes of non-clear cell tumours to better define their behaviour. Specifically, the researchers characterized alterations from 167 human primary non-clear cell renal cell carcinomas, identifying 16 significantly mutated genes in non-clear cell kidney cancer that may pave the way for the development of novel therapies. The research team also identified a five-gene set that enabled molecular classifications of tumour subtypes, along with a potential therapeutic role for BIRC7 inhibitors for future study.
UT Southwestern Medical Center
https://clinlabint.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/clinlab-logo.png003wmediahttps://clinlabint.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/clinlab-logo.png3wmedia2020-08-26 09:34:212021-01-08 11:11:23Researchers identify gene mutations and process for how kidney tumours develop
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have identified the long-sought activating molecules for a rare but crucial subset of immune system cells that help rally other white blood cells to fight infection.
In the process, the team also uncovered a previously unsuspected link between the mammalian immune system and the communication systems of simpler organisms such as bacteria.
The findings could lead to novel therapeutic approaches for diseases such as type 1 diabetes that are the result of immune system over-activity, as well as new ways to boost the effectiveness of vaccines, according to study leader Luc Teyton, a professor in TSRI’s Department of Immunology and Microbial Science.
When a virus, bacteria or foreign substance invades the body, specialised cells known as dendritic cells present in the skin and other organs capture the trespassers and convert them into smaller pieces called antigens that they then display on their cell surfaces. White blood cells known as T and B cells recognize the antigens to launch very specific attacks on the invaders.
Dendritic cells also activate a specialized population of T cells known as natural killer T (NKT) cells. Once activated, NKT cells can commandeer the functions of dendritic cells to make them more effective and also recruit and coordinate the responses of T- and B-type cells.
“Because of their dual functions, NKT cells are a bridge between the body’s innate immunity, which is characterised by rapid but less specific responses to pathogens, and adaptive or acquired immunity, which is composed of specialised white blood cells that can remember past invaders,” Teyton said.
Previous studies indicated that NKT cells are activated by molecules known as glycolipids that dendritic cells produce and then display on their outer surfaces. It was widely assumed that the activating molecules were a class of glycolipids known as beta-glycosylceramides, an important component of nervous system cells.
However, this hypothesis had not been thoroughly examined, in part because there is no chemical test currently available to distinguish between two forms of the molecule that have slightly different configurations—beta-glycosylceramide and alpha-glycosylceramide. In addition, when scientists attempt to create either form synthetically for testing, there is always the possibility of small contamination of one by the other.
“When you’re making glycolipids, there is no completely faithful way of controlling the form that you’re making,” Teyton said. ‘You’re favouring the making of one, but you cannot say for sure that you don’t have a small amount of the other form.”
In their new study, Teyton and his colleagues, who included scientists from Brigham Young University, the La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology and the University of Chicago, abandoned the chemical approach altogether. Instead, they combined a series of biochemical and biological assays to create a test that was sensitive enough to distinguish between the two different forms of glycolipids.
“Biological assays are exquisitely sensitive to low amounts of otherwise unmeasurable molecules,” said study first author Lisa Kain, a research technician in Teyton’s lab.
The scientists used custom antibodies to identify and eliminate alpha-glycosylceramides from their test batches. When the team was confident that their test batch contained only beta forms of the glycolipid, they tested it on NKT cells gathered from mice. To their surprise, however, nothing happened. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, the beta-glycosylceramides failed to activate the NKT cells.
“We were very skeptical about the early results,” Teyton said. “We thought we had used the wrong antibody.”
Next, the team combined enzymes designed to digest molecular linkages found only on beta-glycosylceramides with mice NKT cells inside test tubes. Surprisingly, the NKT cells were still being activated.
Finally, when the team used antibodies to disable alpha-glycosylceramides inside live mice, not only did the NKT cells fail to activate, they disappeared altogether from organs such as the thymus, where NKT cells are produced.
These multiple lines of evidence strongly indicated that it was the alpha form of the glycolipids that were the triggers for NKT cells. “What we thought was the contaminant turned out to be the activating molecule we were looking for,” Teyton said.
The results were surprising for another reason. Until that moment, scientists did not think mammalian cells were capable of producing alpha forms of the glycolipids. The molecules were thought to exist only in bacteria and other simple organisms, which use them primarily as a means of communicating with one another. The findings thus suggest that the roots of a crucial part of the mammalian immune response are even more ancient than previously thought.
“Nobody expected this,” Teyton said. “It’s like discovering that all languages share a common origin.”
Now that scientists know that alpha-glycosylceramides are made by our own body and activate NKT cells, they might be able to exploit it to create new therapies. For example, Teyton said, researchers could use enzymes to reduce alpha-glycosylceramide levels in order to suppress an overactive immune response, which happens with diseases such as type 1 diabetes. Or they could combine the molecules with antigens to create vaccines that elicit a faster and more efficient immune response.
“This opens up an avenue of new therapeutic approaches that we’ve never even thought about,” Teyton said.
The Scripps Research Institute
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Corgenix Medical Corporation announced it has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency use authorization (EUA) of its ReEBOVTM Antigen Rapid Test. The test is to be used for the presumptive detection of Ebola Zaire virus (detected in the West Africa outbreak in 2014) in individuals with signs and symptoms of Ebola virus infection in conjunction and with epidemiological risk factors (including geographic locations with high prevalence of Ebola infection.)
The Corgenix Ebola rapid test is the first rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and the first immunoassay authorized for emergency use by the FDA for the presumptive detection of Ebola virus. The EUA allows the use of the ReEBOVTM Antigen Rapid Test in circumstances when use of a rapid Ebola test is determined to be more appropriate than use of an authorized Ebola nucleic acid (molecular) test, which has been demonstrated to be more sensitive in detecting the Ebola Zaire virus. The authorized ReEBOVTM Antigen Rapid Test is not intended for use for general Ebola virus infection screening, such as airport screening or contact tracing.
Unlike molecular testing, which in West Africa can still take days to return results from central testing laboratories, the Corgenix RDT is a point-of-care test that can be used in any clinical facility adequately equipped, trained and capable of such testing, or in any field laboratory with trained personnel capable of such testing, to diagnose suspected Ebola cases in 15-25 minutes. The U.S. regulatory authorization follows last week’s World Health Organization (WHO) listing for procurement for the Corgenix Ebola RDT, making this test available to the health care community worldwide.
“The FDA and WHO have been working closely with us throughout this process to get this new test in the hands of those battling on the front lines of the Ebola outbreak as quickly as possible,” said Douglass Simpson, Corgenix President and CEO. “Completing this product development in less than a year demonstrates how governmental agencies, regulatory bodies, industry, non-profits and others can work together to find solutions to catastrophic events such as the Ebola virus outbreak. This collaboration has enabled us to quickly deliver this critically important point-of-care test and potential breakthrough in the fight against Ebola in the current outbreak in West Africa.”
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After generating new brain tumour models, Cedars-Sinai scientists in the Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute identified the role of a family of genes underlying tumour growth in a wide spectrum of high grade brain tumours.
‘With these new genetic findings, our group of researchers plan to develop targeted therapeutics that we hope will one day be used treat patients with high grade brain tumours and increase their survival,’ said Joshua Breunig, PhD, a research scientist in the Brain Program at the Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute and lead author of the research study published in the journal Cell Reports.
High grade brain tumours, known as gliomas, are difficult to treat with only a single digit five-year survival rate. Most patients treated for primary gliomas develop into secondary gliomas, which are almost always fatal.
‘Any given tumour can harbour a variety of different combinations of mutations,’ said Moise Danielpour, MD, Vera and Paul Guerin Family Chair in Pediatric Neurosurgery, director of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Program and the Center for Pediatric Neurosciences in the Maxine Dunitz Children’s Health Center and last author on the study. ‘Despite advances in radiation and chemotherapy, there are currently no effective curative regimens for treatment for these diverse tumours.’
Researchers first modelled high grade brain tumours from resident stem cells inside the brain, using a cutting edge method of rapid modelling that can create up to five distinct tumour models within 45 minutes.
After effectively modelling high grade brain tumours, researchers identified the Ets family of genes as contributors to glioma brain tumours. These Ets factors function to regulate the behaviour of tumour cells by controlling expression of genes necessary for tumour growth and cell fate. When expression of the Ets genes is blocked, researchers can identify and strategize novel treatment therapies.
‘The ability to rapidly model unique combinations of driver mutations from a patient’s tumour enhances our quest to create patient-specific animal models of human brain tumours,’ added Danielpour.
Immediate next steps involve testing the function of each individual Ets factor to determine their specific role in tumour progression and recurrence after treatment.
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