Siemens Healthineers announced late May that it is now shipping worldwide its laboratory-based total antibody test to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 IgM and IgG antibodies in blood. The test received the CE mark and data has demonstrated 100 percent sensitivity and 99.8 percent specificity. The total antibody test allows for identification of patients who have developed an adaptive immune response, which indicates recent infection or prior exposure.
The US FDA has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for its laboratory-based total antibody test.
Siemens says it is prepared to ramp up production as the pandemic evolves with capacity exceeding 50 million tests per month across its platforms starting in June.
The antibody test is now available on the largest installed base in the U.S. and one of the largest in the world with 20,000 Siemens Healthineers systems installed worldwide. This includes the Atellica Solution immunoassay analyser, which can run up to 440 tests per hour and enables a result in just 10 minutes. By detecting both IgM and IgG antibodies, the test provides a clearer clinical picture over a longer period of time as the disease progresses.
The antibody test also is available on the company’s installed base of ADVIA Centaur XP and XPT analysers, which can test up to 240 samples per hour, with a result in 18 minutes.
Importantly, the test detects antibodies to a key spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which binds the virus to cells with a distinct human receptor found in lungs, heart, multiple organs and blood vessels. Studies indicate that certain (neutralizing) antibodies to the spike protein can disarm SARS-CoV-2, presumably by interfering with the ability of the virus to bind, penetrate and infect human cells. Multiple potential vaccines in development for SARS-CoV-2 include the spike protein within their focus. 09:31:372021-01-08 11:07:50Siemens starts worldwide shipping of total antibody test for COVID-19
A research consortium led by the Jenner Institute, Oxford University is set to begin fast-tracked clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine.
The adenoviral vaccine candidate, ChAdOx1 nCov-19 (ChAdOx1) is one of five frontrunner vaccines in development around the world, and expected to be the UK’s first COVID-19 vaccine.
Developed at the Jenner Institute, ChAdOx1 is one of the most promising vaccine technologies for COVID-19 as it can generate a strong immune response from one dose.
Cobra Biologics (Cobra), an international CDMO for biologics and pharmaceuticals, issued a statement 31 March saying they had joined the consortium to assist with the rapid development scale-up and production of the vaccine.
The ChAdOx1 consortium includes the University of Oxford Jenner Institute, University of Oxford Clinical Biomanufacturing Facility, the Vaccines Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (VMIC), Advent Srl, Pall Life Sciences, Cobra Biologics and Halix BV.
The consortium is currently recruiting individuals from a range of ages in the UK to trial the vaccine’s efficacy, in April 2020 – a crucial step in the vaccine’s development. Cobra is actively planning for a fast set-up phase to facilitate the efficient production of a GMP working cell bank and then 200L GMP viral vaccine. The consortium partners expect to develop and manufacture the vaccine candidate in multiple batches, to support a 1 million dose scale batch size, by mid 2020.
For more information about the trial, visit: 09:31:372021-01-08 11:07:58UK consortium set to trial COVID-19 adenoviral vaccine candidate
A chemical that highlights tumour cells has been used by surgeons to help spot and safely remove brain cancer in a trial presented at the 2018 NCRI Cancer Conference. The research was carried out with patients who had suspected glioma, the most common form of brain cancer. Treatment usually involves surgery to remove as much of the cancer as possible, but it can be challenging for surgeons to identify all of the cancer cells while avoiding healthy brain tissue.
Researchers say that using the fluorescent marker helps surgeons to distinguish the most aggressive cancer cells from other brain tissue and they hope this will ultimately improve patient survival. The research was presented by Dr Kathreena Kurian, a Reader/Associate Professor in brain tumour research at the University of Bristol and consultant neuropathologist at North Bristol NHS Trust, UK. The study was led by Colin Watts, Professor of Neurosurgery and chair of the Birmingham brain cancer programme at the University of Birmingham, UK. Dr Kurian explained: “Gliomas are difficult to treat with survival times often measured in months rather than years. Many patients are treated with surgery and the aim is to safely remove as much of the cancer as possible. Once a tumour is removed, it is passed on to a pathologist who examines the cells under a microscope to see if they are ‘high-grade’, fast growing cells, or ‘low-grade’ slower growing cells. And we can plan further treatment, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, based on that diagnosis. “We wanted to see if using a fluorescent marker could help surgeons objectively identify high-grade tumour cells during surgery, allowing them to remove as much cancer as possible while leaving normal brain tissue intact.”
The researchers used a compound called 5-aminolevulinic acid or 5-ALA, which glows pink when a light is shone on it. Previous research shows that, when consumed, 5-ALA accumulates in fast growing cancer cells and this means it can act as a fluorescent marker of high-grade cells.
The study involved patients with suspected high-grade gliomas treated at the Royal Liverpool Hospital, Kings College Hospital in London or Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, UK. They were aged between 23 and 77 years, with an average (median) age of 59 years. Before surgery to remove their brain tumours, each patient was given a drink containing 5-ALA.
Surgeons then used operating microscopes to help them look for fluorescent tissue while removing tumours from the patients’ brains. The tissue they removed was sent to the pathology lab where scientists could confirm the accuracy of the surgeons’ work.
A total of 99 patients received the 5-ALA marker and could be assessed for signs of fluorescence. During their operations, surgeons re-ported seeing fluorescence in 85 patients and 81 of these were subsequently confirmed by pathologists to have high-grade disease, one was found to have low-grade disease and three could not be assessed.
In the 14 patients where surgeons did not see any fluorescence, only seven tumours could be subsequently evaluated by pathology but in all these cases, low-grade disease was confirmed. Professor Watts said: “Neurosurgeons need to be able to distinguish tumour tissue from other brain tissue, especially when the tumour contains fastgrowing, high-grade cancer cells. This is the first prospective trial to show the benefits of using 5-ALA to improve the accuracy of diagnosing high-grade glioma during surgery. These results show that the marker is very good at indicating the presence and location of high-grade cancer cells.
National Cancer Research Institute 09:31:372021-01-08 11:08:05Fluorescent marker can guide surgeons to remove dangerous brain tumour cells more accurately
by Dr Jacqueline Gosink Gastrointestinal complaints are very common and can be difficult to diagnose. Among the many causes are genetic deficiencies in digestive enzymes. Molecular genetic analysis of polymorphisms in the patient’s DNA can determine if inborn enzyme deficits are behind the digestive problems, aiding differential diagnostics. Primary lactose intolerance, for example, is associated with polymorphisms in the regulatory region of the lactase gene (LCT), whereas hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) is caused by mutations in the aldolase B gene (ALDOB). A PCR-based DNA microarray provides parallel determination of the two main lactose intolerance-associated polymorphisms (LCT‑13910C/T and LCT‑22018G/A ) as well as the four HFI-associated mutations (A149P, A174D, N334K and del4E4). The fast and simple determination includes fully automated data evaluation, ensuring highly standardized results.
Lactose intolerance
Primary lactose intolerance is a genetically caused deficiency of lactase, the enzyme responsible for splitting lactose into its constituent sugars glucose and galactose. In affected patients, undigested lactose is fermented in the ileum and large intestine, producing by-products such as short-chain fatty acids, methane and hydrogen, which cause the typical symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, meteorism and diarrhea. Secondary manifestations include deficiencies, for example of vitamins, and as a result unspecific symptoms such as fatigue, chronic tiredness and depression.
Lactose intolerance represents the natural state in mammals. Lactase activity decreases after weaning and in adulthood is often only a fraction of the activity in infancy. Some humans, however, retain the ability to metabolize lactose into adulthood due to specific genetic variants. The frequency of lactase persistence is around 35% worldwide, although it varies greatly between different population groups. It is prevalent in regions with a long tradition of pastoralism and dairy farming, for example in Europe and in populations of European descent. In large parts of eastern Asia, on the other hand, almost 100% of the population is lactose intolerant.
In addition to the primary genetically caused form of lactose intolerance there is also the secondary acquired form. This develops as a result of damage to the intestine, for example from other gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease, infectious enteritis or injury from abdominal surgery. The two forms need to be distinguished diagnostically because of the need for different treatment regimes. Whereas individuals with primary lactose intolerance must adhere to a lactose-free or low-lactose diet for life or alternatively take lactase supplements, those with secondary lactose intolerance need only restrict their dairy intake until the intestinal epithelium has regenerated through treatment of the underlying cause. Diagnostics of lactose intolerance Classic diagnostic tests for lactose intolerance are the hydrogen breath test and blood glucose tests, with which the patient’s ability to metabolize lactose is examined. However, these tests have a low specificity and sensitivity and are influenced by individual factors such as the composition of intestinal flora, colonic pH, gastrointestinal motility and sensitivity to lactose fermentation products. Moreover, they cannot distinguish between the primary and secondary forms of lactose intolerance. Molecular genetic testing complements these methods, enabling verification or exclusion of primary lactose intolerance with high probability, as well as differentiation of the primary and secondary forms. Genetic testing is, moreover, a non-invasive and more comfortable examination, which does not carry the risk of provoking symptoms of lactose intolerance in non-lactase-persistent individuals. LCT polymorphisms The main mutations associated with lactase persistence are LCT‑13910C>T and LCT‑22018G>A, which are located in the regulatory region of the lactase gene. According to current knowledge, homozygous carriers of the wild-type variants LCT‑13910CC and LCT‑22018GG develop lactose intolerance, while heterozygous carriers of the variants LCT‑13910CT and LCT‑22018GA only show corresponding symptoms in stress situations or with intestinal infections. Homozygous carriers of the mutant variants LCT‑13910TT and LCT‑22018AA are lactose tolerant as adults. These two polymorphisms are strongly coupled.
Hereditary fructose intolerance
HFI is caused by mutations in the gene for aldolase B, an enzyme essential for fructose metabolism. The mutations result in a reduction or loss in activity or stability of aldolase B, which is responsible for catalysing the breakdown of fructose-1-phosphate (F-1-P) to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde. The toxic intermediate F-1-P then accumulates in the body, causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and digestive disorders and in the longer term liver damage. HFI is a rare disease, occurring, for example, with a prevalence of 1 in 20¦000 in Europe. It manifests already in childhood, but may remain undiagnosed due to patients’ natural dislike of sweets, fruits and vegetables.
In addition to HFI, intolerance to fructose can also be caused by deficits in the transport of fructose into the enterocytes. This form is known as intestinal fructose intolerance or fructose malabsorption. It is much more common than HFI, occurring with a prevalence of about 30%. It is important to distinguish HFI from fructose malabsorption, because of the resulting difference in dietary requirements. Patients with HFI must completely eliminate fructose and its precursors (e.g. sucrose, sorbitol) from their diet to prevent damage to their organs. Patients with fructose malabsorption, however, should follow a fructose-restricted diet. Diagnostics of HFI Intolerance to fructose is usually diagnosed by means of the hydrogen breath test, in which a defined amount of fructose is ingested and then the amount of hydrogen in the exhaled air is measured. In patients with HFI, however, the intake of fructose carries the risk of a severe hypoglycaemic reaction. Therefore, a molecular genetic test for HFI should always be performed before a fructose load test. Early diagnosis of HFI is particularly important to avoid permanent damage to the liver, kidney and small intestine. ALDOB mutations In Europe the most frequent mutants associated with HFI are the amino acid substitutions A149P, A174D, N334K (in Human Gene Mutation Database nomenclature) and the deletion del4E4 in the aldolase B gene. For HFI to manifest, both alleles of an individual’s DNA must be affected by a mutation. In homozygous genotypes, the two alleles contain the same mutation (paternal and maternal inheritance). If the two alleles exhibit different mutations, this is referred to as a compound heterozygous HFI genotype.
Parallel genetic analysis
Molecular genetic determination of the polymorphisms associated with lactose intolerance and HFI enable diagnosis of these genetic conditions with high certainty. The EUROArray Lactose/Fructose Intolerance Direct enables simultaneous detection of the lactose-intolerance-associated polymorphisms ‑13910C/T and ‑22018G/A and the HFI-associated mutations A149P, A174D, N334K and del4E4. Thus, the two genetically caused metabolic disorders can be assessed with a single test.
he test can be performed on whole blood samples, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming DNA isolation. In the test procedure (Fig. 1), the sections of DNA containing the alleles are first amplified by multiplex PCR using highly specific primers. During this process the PCR products are labelled with a fluorescent dye. The PCR mixture is then incubated with a microarray slide containing immobilized DNA probes. The PCR products hybridize with their complementary probes and are subsequently detected via the emission of fluorescence signals. The data is evaluated fully automatically using EUROArrayScan software (Fig. 2), and in the case of positive results, homozygous and heterozygous states are differentiated. Numerous integrated controls ensure high reliability of results, for example, by verifying that there are no other rare mutations in direct proximity to the tested positions which could interfere with the analysis.
Studies on blood donors
The performance of the EUROArray was investigated using 116 precharacterized samples from blood donors in Germany and from quality assessment schemes. The EUROArray revealed a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 100% with respect to the reference molecular genetic method.
Diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders often involves a long and challenging process of diagnostic tests and restrictive diets. Since lactose and fructose are widely consumed in many diets, it is important to consider intolerance to these sugars during the diagnostic work-up. Simple genetic analysis enables primary lactose intolerance and HFI to be confirmed or excluded as the cause of gut problems. The parallel analysis offered by the EUROArray enables especially fast and effective diagnostics. Patients diagnosed with these genetic conditions can promptly adapt their diets to ease their symptoms. If the analysis is negative, the physician can focus on searching for other causes of the digestive complaints. The molecular genetic analysis thus provides valuable support for the gastroenterology clinic. The author Jacqueline Gosink PhD EUROIMMUN AG, 23560 Lubeck, Germany 09:31:372021-01-08 11:07:53Parallel genetic testing for primary lactose intolerance and hereditary fructose intolerance
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have identified biomarkers – genes and specific brain circuits in mice – associated with a common symptom of depression: lack of motivation.
The finding could guide research to find new ways to diagnose and potentially treat individuals suffering from lack of motivation and bring closer the day of precision medicine for psychiatric disorders like depression.
Depression is the most prevalent mental health disorder in the world, affecting around 9% of the American population each year, and is among the top causes of disability in the workplace. Depression symptoms can differ significantly between patients who have the same depression diagnosis, and the lack of a connection between symptoms and treatments is a main reason that about half of all people with depression fail to respond to medication or other therapies, and that side effects of these medications are common.
“If we had a biomarker for specific symptoms of depression, we simply could do a blood test or image the brain and then identify the appropriate medication for that patient,” said Stephan Lammel, a UC Berkeley assistant professor of molecular and cell biology. “That would be the ideal case, but we are far away from that situation right now.”
Now, for the first time, Lammel and his team have identified genes in a brain region – the lateral habenula – that are strongly turned on, or upregulated, in mice that show reduced motivation as a result of chronic stress. This brain region in mice is not associated with other depression symptoms, including anxiety and anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure.
“We think that our study not only has the potential to transform how basic scientists study depression in animals, but the combination of anatomical, physiological and molecular biomarkers described could lay the foundation for guiding the development of the next generation of antidepressants that are tailored to specific depression symptoms,” Lammel said.
Lammel is senior author of a paper describing the discovery that appears this week in the journal Neuron. The study was led by first author Ignas Cerniauskas, who is a UC Berkeley graduate student.
Lammel and Cerniauskas work on mouse models of depression that have been a mainstay of basic research on this disorder for the past 60 years. Putting mice under constant stress produces at least three common symptoms of human depression – anxiety, lack of motivation and loss of pleasure – that scientists study to try to understand the disorder in humans.
Until now, however, researchers have sought answers by disregarding the variability of symptoms and instead categorizing all mice as either stressed (“depressed”) or non-stressed (“not depressed”). Cerniauskas and Lammel wanted to try to find changes in the brain that were associated with each specific symptom.
“Unfortunately, depression treatment is currently often based on guesswork. No one treatment works for everyone, and no one has objective data on how to differentiate the enormous variability of depression symptoms and subtypes,” Lammel said. “If we understand specifically how the brain changes in those animals with one certain type of symptom, there may be a way we can specifically reverse these symptoms.”
In response to a recent small clinical study in which doctors electrically stimulated the lateral habenula and found symptom improvement in depressed patients who were resistant to other therapies, Lammel and Cerniauskas decided to investigate that area of the brain. The lateral habenula has received increasing attention in the last few years, in part because it is connected to the dopamine and serotonin systems in the brain, both of which are known to be involved in depression. The most common drugs currently used to treat depression are serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) such as Zoloft and Prozac.
“After chronic stress, there is an increase in the neural activity of the lateral habenula cells – they fire more, they become overactive – and we found that this overactivity was present only in mice that showed very strong deficits in motivated behaviour, but not in animals that showed anxiety or animals that showed anhedonia,” Lammel said.
His team subsequently identified the specific synapses, cells and circuits in the lateral habenula that are altered by chronic stress in these particular mice, and in collaboration with Csaba Földy and colleagues at the University of Zürich, they found genes that are overexpressed as well.
University of California – Berkley 09:31:372021-01-08 11:08:00New findings could improve diagnosis, treatment of depression
Scientists have identified key changes in immune cells within cancerous tumours that could help improve the development of treatments.
The study also found a set of genes that are expressed at high levels in breast cancer tumours and linked to more aggressive cancer types.
Researchers say the discoveries offer clues to diagnosis and predicting patient survival and reveal significant insights into how tumours behave in common cancers.
Immune cells normally help the body stay healthy by warding off pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. However, sometimes immune cells can wrongly identify cancer tissue as healthy tissue, aiding the spread of tumours.
Researchers therefore focused on the role of immune cells in endometrium and breast cancers. Until now, little was known about how these cells behave in human cancer, making them difficult to spot and target.
They found differences in white blood cells known as monocytes present in the blood of breast and endometrial cancer patients compared with those in healthy individuals. The discovery could accelerate the development of biomarkers to detect cancer and track how patients respond to treatment.
The researchers also identified 37 genes that were highly expressed in breast cancer tumour immune cells – known as tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) – compared with healthy tissue. This genetic signature is particularly strong in aggressive cancers, including triple negative breast cancer, which is notoriously difficult to treat.
It is also linked to shorter survival in patients, suggesting that it could be used to improve the accuracy of breast cancer prognosis.
The scientists used this discovery to identify specific genes within the signature that could be targeted with future treatments. They honed in on two genes – SIGLEC1 and CCL8 – which were found to be linked to patient survival.
University of Edinburgh 09:31:372021-01-08 11:08:11Immune cells key to predicting cancer outcomes
by Peter Murphy It was first noticed that the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation changed owing to illness in the 1700s. The use of this attribute as a measure of inflammatory activity due to underlying disease was formalized into a test in the early 1900s and what has become known as the Westergren test has again recently been proposed to be the reference method for measuring erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which is still a commonly used hematology test today. This article allows you to understand why it is used, how the results are affected by physiological factors and how to perform it to obtain useful and reliable results. Using erythrocyte sedimentation rate measurement to indicate inflammation Explaining erythrocyte sedimentation rate measurement The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a general condition indicator and serves as a guide to determine diagnosis and treatment follow-up of different autoimmune diseases, acute and chronic infections and tumours. ESR is the speed at which erythrocytes settle in a tube and provides medical practitioners with valuable information for the diagnosis of their patients. Normal-sized erythrocytes are negatively charged and repel each other, which limits their sedimentation rate. Erythrocytes that form clumps fall faster than small ones, so factors that increase aggregation will increase sedimentation. This increased sedimentation indicates health problems, resulting in a need for additional tests. Applications of ESR measurement There’s a long list of conditions for which ESR can be used to assist in making a correct diagnosis or managing the care of a patient: autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, temporal arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica are well known examples, as is multiple myeloma. When the presence of inflammation is suspected, ESR is a simple and cost-effective way of confirming this. Moreover, for patients with a known condition, the ESR test can provide useful information into the overall effectiveness of their treatment. The Westergren method The discovery of the ESR dates back to 1794, but in the 1920s, pathologist Robert Fåhraeus and Alf Westergren developed ESR measurement as we know it. To this day, the so-called Westergren method is recognized as the gold standard, among others by the Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: getting the most out of this test by Peter Murphy It was first noticed that the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation changed owing to illness in the 1700s. The use of this attribute as a measure of inflammatory activity due to underlying disease was formalized into a test in the early 1900s and what has become known as the Westergren test has again recently been proposed to be the reference method for measuring erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which is still a commonly used hematology test today. This article allows you to understand why it is used, how the results are affected by physiological factors and how to perform it to obtain useful and reliable results. Hematology and Flow Cytometry June 2020 13 | Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). In 2017, the International Council for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH) reconfirmed the Westergren method as the reference method for ESR measurement. The Westergren method owes its popularity to the fact that it’s a simple and inexpensive first-line test, providing valuable information to GPs in the investigation of inflammation after only 60 (or even 30) minutes. Critical factors of a reliable ESR test Although the Westergren method may be the gold standard, many factors can meddle with its reliability. Therefore, always keep in mind the following requirements:
non-hemolysed blood anti-coagulated with EDTA at collection;
blood sample is thoroughly mixed and diluted 4|:|1 using a sodium citrate solution;
the tube is held in vertical position at a constant temperature (±1|°C) between 18|°C and 25|°C in an area free from vibrations, drafts and direct sunlight; and
results are interpreted after at least 30|minutes.
Can we speed up ESR measurement? In the original Westergren method, the ESR is read after 60|minutes. You can imagine this puts practical limitations on the workflow in clinical laboratories. A laboratory investigation, however, showed that 30-minute ESR readings correlate highly with the corresponding 60-minute ESR readings, which is why today most laboratories perform 30-minute ESR readings and then extrapolate them to derive the 60-minute ESR result. There are Westergren alternatives that claim to measure ESR after only 20|seconds, but as it takes at least 10|minutes before sedimentation starts at a constant rate, these tests risk leading to a number of false negatives. Why speeding up ESR measurement is not a good idea The Westergren method and faster alternatives As mentioned above, the 30-minute version of the Westergren test has become the standard in most hospitals and laboratories. However, even though 30|minutes can be regarded as a short time frame, some companies have worked on Westergren alternatives that can be read after mere minutes or even seconds. A major step forward, or so it seems. What’s the deal with fast ESR measurement methods? There are several conditions that ESR methods should comply with in order for them to be reliable. For example, test tubes must be held in vertical position, and the blood must be thoroughly mixed and diluted. Still the most important condition of all doesn’t revolve around equipment; it revolves around time. It takes approximately 10|minutes before red blood cell sedimentation starts at a constant rate. This means that ESR readings after 20|seconds do not actually measure sedimentation but calculate a mathematically derived ESR. This, in turn, leads to ESR readings that don’t correlate with the Westergren standard, leading to a number of false negatives. So, in their attempt to speed up the diagnosis of patients, laboratories that use Westergren alternatives risk overlooking important signs of disease. Speed or reliability? Healthcare and in vitro diagnostics are being improved daily and theories are constantly evolving. This makes it hard to determine which ESR method is the right one to choose. The choice is even harder when you consider that ESR alternatives are comparable to the Westergren method, as long as you treat healthy people under Erythrocyte sedimentation rate test normal circumstances. It’s when people are ill that the results start to deviate. This is why our advice is to always choose a method that adheres closely to the Westergren method [such as automated ESR analysers Starrsed (RR Mechatronics), MixRate and Excyte (ELITech)]. Westergren has always been the method of choice in fundamental studies, meaning that ESR is essentially based on this procedure. Moreover, the Westergren method is recommended by the CLSI and reconfirmed as the gold standard by ICSH, two organizations that inform healthcare professionals on state of the art technologies for in vitro diagnostic testing. Not everything can be rushed Moving forward is part of human nature; it’s why we’re always so busy making things better, faster and more comfortable. But in the case of ESR measurement, we simply have to face the fact that not everything can be rushed. We may be able to speed up the way we live, work and travel; we cannot force red blood cells to settle faster than they do. What we can do, is make ESR measurement tests as reliable as possible and have them help us improve diagnostics and save lives. Physiological and clinical factors that influence ESR values
In the investigation of inflammation, ESR measurement is often the first-line test of choice as it’s simple, inexpensive and – if based on the Westergren method – reliable, reproducible and sensitive. But as is the case with every test, there are physiological and clinical factors that may influence ESR results. In this section, we’ll tell you more about them. However, when reading about factors that influence ESR results, please keep in mind that much, if not all of this information, is based on studies undertaken with the Westergren gold standard ESR method only. This is mainly due to the fact that the Westergren ESR method has been almost universally used to investigate the clinical utility of the test in a range of disease states, with much of this work published in peer reviewed journals. As a result, there’s a deep body of knowledge that describes the impact of disease, the limitations and sources of interference with the Westergren ESR. As the Westergren method for ESR measures a physical process under a defined set of conditions, this expansive body of knowledge cannot simply be ‘transferred’ to estimations of ESR by methods that use centrifugation or optical rheology. What’s normal in ESR? Before discussing the factors that influence ESR results, first we should answer the question: what is normal? When patients suffer from a condition that causes inflammation, their erythrocytes form clumps which makes them settle faster than they would in the absence of an inflammatory response. However, ‘faster’ is a relative term, and what’s ‘normal’ changes based on sex and age category. Physiological and clinical factors that increase ESR The most obvious explanation for increased ESR is inflammation. During acute phase reactions, macromolecular plasma proteins, particularly fibrinogen, are produced that decrease the negative charges between erythrocytes and thereby encourage the formation of cell clumps. And as cell clumps settle faster, this increases ESR. Inflammation indicates a physical problem, meaning additional tests and follow-up are needed. However, there are other factors that increase ESR but don’t necessarily come with inflammation. For example, ESR values are higher for women than for men and increase progressively with age. Pregnancy also increases ESR, which means you’ll be dealing with ESR results above average. In anemia, the number of red blood cells is reduced, which increases so-called rouleaux formation so that the cells fall faster. This effect is strengthened by the reduced hematocrit, which affects the speed of the upward plasma current. Another factor that increases ESR revolves around high protein concentrations. And in macrocytosis, erythrocytes have a shape with a small surface-to-volume ratio, which leads to a higher sedimentation rate. Physiological and clinical factors that decrease ESR Apart from factors that increase ESR, medical practitioners and laboratory scientists should also consider the factors that decrease ESR. This is especially important as decreased ESR results may lead to missed diagnoses, whereas increased ESR results either lead to the right follow-up or false positives. Polycythemia, caused by increased numbers of red blood cells or by a decrease in plasma volume, artificially lowers ESR. Red blood cell abnormalities also affect aggregation, rouleaux formation and therefore sedimentation rate. Another cause of a low ESR is a decrease in plasma proteins, especially of fibrinogen and paraproteins. The four factors that determine ESR reliability (dos and don’ts)
As with any test, the reliability of ESR measurements stands or falls with proper implementation. When not reliably performed, the nonspecific indicator for inflammation may point in the wrong direction, and result in either a false positive or a false negative. This may lead to the initiation of unnecessary investigations or worse: the overlooking of serious problems that actually needed follow-up. In this section, we discuss some do’s and don’ts when performing ESR measurement, to guarantee ESR reliability. Factor 1: blood collection Do: make sure you mix and dilute the sample 4:1 using a sodium citrate solution. If you adhere to these practices, you standardize the way you handle the blood samples, and therefore their suitability for ESR. Don’t: leave the sample for too long before testing. We can imagine you’re pretty busy, and that you can’t do everything at the same time. However, when it comes to blood collection for ESR tests, some speed is required. After four hours, the results won’t be as accurate as before, which may negatively impact the reliability of the result. We therefore recommend performing the test within these four hours. If you really can’t make it in time, 24|hours is the max, but only if the sample is stored at 4|°C. Factor 2: tube handling Do: hold the tube vertically. A tube that is not held completely vertical can lead to increased sedimentation rates and is one of the technical factors that can affect ESR readings. And as we discussed in the previous paragraph, temperature is a factor too. Therefore, always place the tube in a stable and vertical position and at a constant temperature. Don’t: expose the sample to vibrations, draft and sunlight, as all of these factors can have a strong influence on the final result obtained. Factor 3: result reading Do: wait 30|minutes. This is a very important one. Before reading ESR results, you should always wait 30|minutes. There are ESR testing methods that claim to show reliable results within only 20|seconds, but as it takes 10|minutes before sedimentation starts at a constant rate, these tests do not actually measure sedimentation. In fact, they calculate a mathematically derived ESR, leading to a number of false negatives. Don’t: include the buffy coat (which is made up of leukocytes) in the erythrocyte column. Factor 4: test quality Do: go with an automated ESR test. They provide you with more reliable results, not least because they can correct hazy results. Moreover, automated ESR tests have a higher throughput compared to manual tests and minimize human contact with the tubes, which helps you reduce operations costs and minimize occupational health and safety risks. Don’t: choose an ESR test that deviates from the Westergren standard. This method has always been the method of choice in fundamental studies, meaning that ESR is essentially based on this procedure. ESR tests that deviate from the Westergren will logically provide you with different ESR values, meaning they can lead you in the wrong direction. This is why the Westergren method is recom-mended by the CLSI and reconfirmed as the gold standard by ICSH. ESR test as a reliable tool
If you keep these dos and don’ts in mind, you’re well on your way to making the ESR test a reliable tool that’s going to help you diagnose patients fast and error-free. The author Peter Murphy MBA(TechMgt), MAACB, BSc, GradDipEd ELITech Group, Braeside, Victoria 3195, Australia E-mail: 09:31:372021-01-08 11:07:48Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: getting the most out of this test
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Beckman Coulter, a global leader in clinical diagnostics, announced 31 March that it is developing assays to identify IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. Research has shown that after infection with SARS-CoV-2, viral antigens stimulate the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that can be detected with IgM and IgG tests.
The assays will be designed for use on any of Beckman Coulter’s high-throughput Access family of immunoassay systems, including the Access 2 and DxI series, which can be found worldwide.
“Antibody assays play a critical role in understanding the level of immunity an individual has developed against SARS-CoV-2,” said Kathleen Orland, Senior Vice President and General Manager for Beckman Coulter’s Chemistry and Immunoassay Business. “This type of understanding could help identify those who would require a vaccine, once available, or when an infected individual could safely return to work.”
Shamiram R. Feinglass, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer, Beckman Coulter, added: “With the ability to assess a patient’s immunity to SARS-CoV-2, this testing modality may enable clinicians to clear hospital staff, emergency responders, and others to get back to work with an indication that they have had prior exposure and therefore have built an immunity to the disease. This test could allow those without immunity to be identified and kept safe until the pandemic subsides.”
Beckman Coulter operates within the Danaher Corporation, together with a collection of the world’s leading diagnostic companies, all on the front line in the fight against coronavirus.
Once the assays are finalized, Beckman Coulter intends to achieve CE mark certification and to follow FDA’s Emergency Use Notification process.
For the latest information on the new assays, visit 09:31:372021-01-08 11:07:55Beckman Coulter to produce antibody assays for Covid-19
The development of decision support systems for pathology and their deployment in clinical practice have been hindered by the need for large manually annotated datasets.
To overcome this problem, the authors present a multiple instance learning-based deep learning system that uses only the reported diagnoses as labels for training, thereby avoiding expensive and time-consuming pixel-wise manual annotations. We evaluated this framework at scale on a dataset of 44,732 whole slide images from 15,187 patients without any form of data curation. Tests on prostate cancer, basal cell carcinoma and breast cancer metastases to axillary lymph nodes resulted in areas under the curve above 0.98 for all cancer types. Its clinical application would allow pathologists to exclude 65-75% of slides while retaining 100% sensitivity. The results show that this system has the ability to train accurate classification models at unprecedented scale, laying the foundation for the deployment of computational decision support systems in clinical practice. 09:31:372021-01-08 11:08:03Clinical-grade computational pathology using weakly supervised deep learning on whole slide images
UK-based iPSC (induced pluripotent stem cells) disease modelling company DefiniGEN has identified iPSC-derived intestinal organoids that could be used to help structure in vitro studies of the biology of SARS-CoV-2 infection across cohorts of multiple patients.
While SARS-CoV-2 primarily targets the respiratory system, studies have shown that it also infects and multiplies within the intestinal epithelium. IPSC-derived organoids exhibit characteristics that closely mimic the in vivo intestinal epithelium, making them a valuable surrogate model for studying the virus.
The company says their iPSC-derived intestinal organoids provide a unique in vitro system to model the human intestine. The organoids display a polarized epithelium and harbour a mixture of cell types normally present in the primary intestinal epithelium barrier in vivo, including goblet cells, Paneth cells, enterocytes, LRG5+ stem cells, and enteroendocrine cells. The organoids polarise, form crypt structures and grow villi at the apical surface, and are shown to secrete mucus in a similar manner to primary human gut tissue.
DefiniGEN points out that several studies have proven that angio-tensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expression in host cells is required for SARS-CoV-2 recognition and infection. Activity of membrane proteases such as TMPRSS2 cleaves the coronavirus’ Spike protein and facilitates the membrane fusion with the host cell. Human intestine is one of the few human tissues with high expression of both ACE2 and TMPRSS2 therefore is a good candidate to study Covid-19 and the mechanisms of the SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Additionally, DefiniGEN have a platform to generate various patient-derived intestinal models which could support population studies, using many different donors with diverse ethnic profiles.
Such studies are useful as there is growing evidence that ethnic differences are a major factor in patients showing a severe response to Covid-19.
DefiniGEN’s differentiation platform is optimized to enable successful generation of intestinal organoids from a diverse range of patients. Patient skin fibroblasts or PBMCs can first be reprogrammed to iPSC, and then differentiated to produce mature intestinal organoids which carry the original patient genetics, and so manifest a gut model specific to that donor.
For more information, visit 09:31:372021-01-08 11:07:51DefiniGEN launches tool to support in vitro intestinal research of Covid-19
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