Forum Labo 2025

EUROIMMUN introduces comprehensive autoantibody test for myositis

The EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies Profile has been expanded and now includes 20 antigens for detection and differentiation of autoantibodies that occur in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM).

IIM are acquired chronic autoimmune diseases of skeletal muscle, which can affect both adults and children. Autoantibodies are important biomarkers for differentiating clinical subforms of the disease, such as polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), anti-synthetase syndrome (ASS), and sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM). Some subforms can be associated with cancer.

Autoantibodies in IIM are investigated using indirect immunofluorescence tests (IIFT) for screening and immunoblots for monospecific confirmation of antibody specificities.

The EUROLINE test strips contain an exclusive combination of 20 antigens for detection of both myositis-specific autoantibodies (MSA) and myositis-associated autoantibodies (MAA). The antigen portfolio encompasses the MSA target antigens Zo, Ks, Ha, cN-1A, OJ, EJ, PL-12, Pl-7, SRP, Jo-1, SAE1, NXP2, MDA5, TIF-1γ, Mi-2α, Mi-2β, as well as the MAA target antigens Ku, PM-Scl75, PM-Scl100 and Ro-52. Each antigen, or group of antigens, is printed onto a separate membrane chip to provide optimal efficiency of antibody detection for each antigen.

The EUROLINE is the most extensive commercially available line blot for detection of autoantibodies in IIM. The exclusive antigen cN-1A enables detection of anti-cN-1A autoantibodies – the only known biomarker for sIBM. The antigens Zo, Ks and Ha are new additions to the profile and expand the tRNA synthetase antigen spectrum for differential diagnostics of ASS.

The broad antibody analysis is particularly relevant given the low prevalences of many of the autoantibodies in IIM. The immunoblot analysis is, moreover, essential for detecting autoantibodies against cytoplasmic antigens, which are not always detectable by IIFT. The parallel, specific antibody detection supports the diagnosis of subforms of IIM in the context of clinical symptoms and in accordance with the criteria of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR).

Further EUROLINE profiles with other antigen combinations are also available. All EUROLINE assays can be fully automated, providing increased standardisation and efficiency.

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Forum Labo 2025