Hemoglobin A1c reagent
Now introduced is a two-component immunoturbidimetric reagent for the determination of hemoglobin A1c on general chemistry analysers. The methodology uses a highly specific monoclonal antibody to hemoglobin A1c to generate increased turbidity in the presence of hemoglobin A1c. With the single R2 component stabilized, mixing two separate R2 components is no longer necessary. This single R2 component provides the consumer with unsurpassed ease of use. Automated hemolysis can be performed on many different chemistry analyzers, providing a totally automated test system. The simple competitive binding principle used in this hemoglobin A1c method provides direct determination of hemoglobin A1c. This eliminates the need to perform a total hemoglobin assay, providing greater accuracy and precision by removing the additive error from performing two assays to achieve a single result. The method can be applied to most general chemistry analysers. This eliminates the need for a dedicated hemoglobin A1c analyser, reducing capital expenditures and labour costs while increasing efficiency and productivity. These hemoglobin A1c reagents are liquid-stable and have been shown to be accurate and precise. Pointe Scientific’s hemoglobin A1c calibrators are referenced to IFCC materials and are also NGSP certified. Hemoglobin A1c controls are also available for use with the new hemoglobin A1c reagent.
Supplier: Medtest/Pointe Scientific