Forum Labo 2025

Journées de l’Innovation en Biologie 2023

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The 66th edition of the Journées de l’Innovation en Biologie (Innovation Days in Biology), will take place at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on Friday 17 and Saturday 18 November 2023.

The JIB is an opportunity to meet more than 2,500 private and hospital biologists, as well as the change-makers who will present the latest scientific and technical advances in the field of medical biology. Institutions, political leaders and group decision-makers come to the JIB to share their vision and debate on the subjects of prevention, diagnosis, care pathways and health policy to shape the biology of tomorrow. This year, a large place will be given to the strengthened role of the biologist in the healthcare system thanks to the patient-centred approach based on health data.

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As our healthcare system continues to evolve, medical biology needs to reflect on its role and its ability to improve efficiency. Medical biologists are currently considering their role in areas such as prevention, therapeutic monitoring and diagnosis.

After the time of restructuring, then the time of mobilisation in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the time has come to enter a new phase in the development of our medical speciality. Our future will only be guaranteed if we put the spotlight back on the innovations and solutions we can bring to improving people’s health.

We know that medical biology and the players in our sector hold the keys to enabling us to continue to improve the state of health of the population while keeping healthcare expenditure under control. The innovations of in vitro diagnostics companies, the expertise of medical biologists and the territorial coverage of medical biology laboratories are formidable tools at the service of public health policies, but are totally under-exploited in most countries.

It’s not just the fault of our interlocutors and their lack of understanding of the real contribution of medical biology and its ecosystem. We too need to think about how we talk about our speciality. We need to show our achievements and potential and more importantly, succeed in changing the way our leaders see us, who often see us more as a cost than as a source of optimisation and savings for the healthcare system.

We want the Journées de l’Innovation en Biologie (JIB) to be a showcase and a place where we can demonstrate our huge contribution to the health of our fellow citizens. We invite everyone – exhibitors, conference speakers, etc. – to demonstrate our added value to the community.

We only account for a small percentage of our country’s healthcare expenditure, but we are an extraordinary lever for efficiency in the system. Negotiations with the French national health insurance scheme on the missions of medical biologists should be concluded in November. The JIBs will be “the place to be” to promote and raise awareness of them among medical biology professionals and the general public. We need to be aware that any professional attending our conference has the ability to reach as many people as possible. Negotiations on the missions of medical biologists should have been concluded by now.

In 2023, we are optimising our organisation and our concepts: scientific conferences, themed trails, workshops, meetings, exhibitions, etc. The JIB is also a friendly meeting place for medical biologists and all those involved in in vitro diagnostics. We look forward to seeing you on 17 and 18 November at Porte Maillot in Paris!

In the words of François Blanchecotte, National President of the Syndicat des biologistes (SDB) and President of the Journées de l’Innovation en Biologie.


A series of conferences will be held in English, covering topics such as “The Whys and Hows of Direct To Consumer Testing”, “Analytical performance specifications (aps):  from modeling to practices”, and “Recent advances in tuberculosis diagnostics”.

Forum Labo 2025