Bio-Rad - Preparing for a Stress-free QC Audit

New Generation Hospital Glucose/Ketone Meter

Only glucose meter FDA-cleared for use with critically ill patients

• No known clinical interferences 8,000 medications investigated
• Proven in a study of 1,698 critically ill patients with 257 specific medical conditions
• Glucose accuracy proven in over 200 publications

Measures blood ketone with the same meter

• POC ketone testing enables fast response to DKA
• ADA, Diabetes UK, and others mandate blood ketone testing, not urine ketone testing, when glucose >11 mmol/L
• Measures B-hydroxybutyrate, the recommended ketone for hyperglycemia and DKA analyses

New meter features

• Linux® advanced cybersecurity
• Rugged external meter casing
• Wireless charging
• RFID, Bar Code, or touchscreen data entry

Scherm­afbeelding 2024 07 02 om 09.26.46