C117 Fast Track 01

New kit sizes

Fast-track diagnostics kits are now sold in sizes of 32 and 64 reactions. The new formats will provide the greatest possible levels of flexibility to customers, as laboratories can aliquot reagents according to their specific needs. The ability to undertake variable run sizes (32 reaction kits allow 1 to 30 patient samples to be tested per run, while 64 reaction kits allow 1 to 62 patient samples to be tested) means all laboratories can run their tests in the way best suited to them, no matter the size. In addition, the kits will allow for easier comparison with other products, lower transport costs and easier ordering. The new kit sizes will still contain the company’s optimized primers and probes and internal, positive and negative controls as well as mastermix – enzyme and buffer (all in single bulk tubes). All the reagents are now provided in one box, and there is no need to order extra controls for small run use. Fast-track diagnostics has  a wide range of kits available for single and multiplex detection of infectious diseases. Kits are available for over 100 different pathogens – including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites – most are in syndromic multiplexes to aid clinical diagnosis. The entire range is compatible with many of the thermalcyclers and extraction methods commonly found in modern laboratories.

Supplier: Fast-track Diagnostics

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