Forum Labo 2025

Nova biomedical

The Most Clinically Advanced
Critical Care Test Menu Now Includes

Prime Plus provides the most clinical value of any blood gas/critical care analyzer profile by adding essential tests for kidney function (BUN, Creatinine, eGFR), plasma volume (ePV), ionized magnesium (iMg) and MCHC. Creatinine, eGFR, and BUN Over 50% of patients admitted to the ICU develop some degree of acute kidney injury.1 Creatinine, eGFR, and BUN monitoring provides indication of changes in kidney function and helps guide therapy to prevent AKI. Estimated Plasma Volume (ePV) The plasma volume status of a patient is one of the top priorities in evaluating and treating critical illness including CHF, ARDS, AKI, and Sepsis.2-4 Ionized Magnesium (iMg) Hypomagnesemia is a frequent finding in critically ill patients.5 Magnesium therapy guided by real time ionized magnesium monitoring has been shown to improve outcome in these patients.6 Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) Helps differentiate types of anemia.

Scherm­afbeelding 2025 01 23 om 13.38.53

Forum Labo 2025