Forum Labo 2025

Revvity’s Auto-Pure 2400 liquid handler opens new era in automated TB testing

Revvity has launched their Auto-Pure 2400 liquid handler from Allsheng for use with the T-SPOT.TB test. The Auto-Pure 2400 platform is easy to use and designed to provide efficient workflows in the lab. When the accuracy of the T-SPOT.TB test is combined with the efficiency of the Auto-Pure 2400 system, labs, clinicians and ultimately patients, benefit from the resultant powerful solution.


“The ability to use the Auto-Pure 2400 platform with our T-SPOT.TB test provides labs an efficient workflow allowing latent TB testing to be run in a mid-high-volume setting, without having to compromise on the clinical performance of the test,” said Darren Sher, general manager, infectious diseases for Revvity. “With this solution, more labs can offer clinicians access to the most accurate TB diagnostic on the market.” Auto-Pure 2400 liquid handler for use with the T-SPOT.TB test
• The Auto-Pure 2400 automated liquid handling platform is equipped with integrated magnetic cell isolation technology.
• Designed for testing up to 24 samples per run, it completes day-1 T-SPOT.TB workflows in under 3.5 hours, requiring only a single mid-run user interaction.
• The solution not only simplifies lab workflows but also boasts an intuitive software user interface.

About the T-SPOT.TB test
• The T-SPOT.TB test detects latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and is an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) based on the enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) technology.
• This technology has crucial steps that the World Health Organization has recently recognized as critical in ensuring reliable and accurate TB test results. These steps include washing, isolating, and counting peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) before conducting the test.

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Forum Labo 2025