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Syntegon’s Pharmatec unveils modular bioprocessing platform

Syntegon subsidiary Pharmatec recently launched its new Modular Bioprocessing Platform (MBP), designed to address key challenges in biopharmaceutical production. The highly flexible, fully integrated and automated solution was developed for biologic drug substances, with configurations available for a range of microbial and mammalian cell culture applications.

Versatile applications

The MBP was reported to be suitable for producing proteins and peptides, oligonucleotides and plasmid DNA, as well as whole or sub-unit recombinant vaccines.

Christian Lavarreda, Global Product Manager at Pharmatec, noted: “Its innovative, modular design allows our customers to profit from shorter lead times and lower costs, without compromising on functionality or the accustomed ‘made in Germany’ quality.”

Innovative design for rapid deployment

The platform features a prefabricated integrated cleanroom design with peripheral technology housed outside the cleanroom in technical skids. This approach offers full
functionality off-the-shelf for both clinical and commercial production. The system includes precise temperature control for all integrated vessels.

Hygienic features and user-friendly interface

The MBP incorporates seamless interfaces for reusable and single-use ancillary systems, including sampling. Lavarreda noted: “The hygienic design with sealed interfaces is a clear benefit of sourcing a fermentation system from an aseptic processing specialist.”

Multiple well-placed HMIs are included to enhance operator friendliness, allowing for easy recipe configuration, selection, and execution, as well as monitoring of critical process parameters.

Scalability and lifecycle sustainability

The modular hardware and automation frameworks implemented in the MBP are designed to support advanced control strategies necessary for improved process characterisation and successful tech transfer. The platform’s seamless scalability is reported to be highly resource-efficient, facilitating optimised scale-up from clinical to commercial production.

Advanced analytical functions, including predictive product quality assessments and comprehensive production line analyses, are incorporated to enable continuous process optimisation. The system also meets high hygiene, safety, and sustainability standards, supported by integrated and fully automated cleaning in place (CIP) and filter integrity testing (FIT) functionalities.

Future-proofing and upgradability

Lavarreda emphasised the platform’s adaptability, stating: “We are committed to the sustainability of our equipment along its entire lifecycle and will continuously add new and improved functions and options. Thanks to the modular concept, the MBP can be delivered upgrade-ready to add functionality or capacity quickly and efficiently in the future.”

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