Freelite serum free light chain test now in Chinese guidelines

Freelite, a rapid serum based assay, is now included in the Chinese Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines. These guidelines recommend serum free light chains in multiple myeloma for diagnosis, as a prognostic indicator, to assess response, and follow-up monitoring to predict disease progression. These guidelines are published by the Chinese Medical Association and Chinese Myeloma Working Group and were written by 17 key opinion leaders from 14 different hospitals. Two of the authors, Professor Hou Jian and Dr Du Juan, recommend all hospital units to routinely use serum free light chains. A summary by these two authors specifically recommend the use of a polyclonal assay and its importance in nonsecretory multiple myeloma, and detection of light chain escape in multiple myeloma. Freelite is a rapid quantitative assay that measures kappa (k) and lambda (λ) immunoglobulin free light chains in multiple myeloma. These values can be expressed as a k / λ free light chain ratio.