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The Art of Science: EVIDENT launches expanded Global Image of the Year contest

Evident, a wholly owned subsidiary of Olympus Corporation, announced its fourth Global Image of the Year Scientific Light Microscopy Award is now open for entries through February 28, 2023.

Olympus image of year

Each year, the competition recognizes the best in scientific imaging worldwide. For the first time, the contest welcomes materials science images in addition to life science images to show the versatility of the art of science.

Contestants may enter by uploading up to three images, with a description of the equipment used, at

Winners will be selected by a jury and announced in summer 2023.

Olympus EVIDENT Global Image of the Year contest


The global prize and three regional prizes will be awarded to the scientific images that receive the highest scores.

  • Global prize: choice of an SZX7 microscope with a DP23 digital camera, or a set of X Line objectives
  • Regional prize: choice of a CX23 microscope or SZ61 stereo microscope
  • Materials science and engineering prize: SZ61 stereo microscope

The jury

The international jury consists of experts in science and imaging, including Geoff Williams, manager of the Leduc BioImaging Facility at Brown University; Harini Sreenivasappa, microscopy facility manager of the Cell Imaging Center at Drexel University; Rachid Rezgui, research instrumentation scientist at New York University Abu Dhabi; Urs Ziegler, managing director of the Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis at the University of Zurich; Yujie Sun, tenured professor and Boya distinguished professor of Peking University; and Sarah Ellis, head of the Centre for Imaging the Tumour Environment (CITE) at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute in Australia.

All entries will be evaluated based on artistic and visual aspects, scientific impact and microscope proficiency.

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