Sampling tube for effective glycolysis inhibition
The reliable stabilization of blood sugar levels directly after sampling is an important precondition for the accuracy of the analysis results. VACUETTE® GLUCOMEDICS was specially developed for this application. The additive mixture in the tube stabilizes the blood sample immediately after sampling and thus impedes the breakdown of glucose over time (glycolysis). The combination of sodium EDTA, sodium fluoride, citric acid and sodium citrate acidifies the whole blood sample, resulting in the immediate and complete inhibition of glycolysis, thus setting it apart from conventional sodium fluoride tubes. The glucose concentration of whole blood and/or plasma samples is kept constant at room temperature for up to 48 hours at the “in-vivo value” (almost 100% of the original value). The dosed liquid additives ensure the easy mixing of the additive with the whole blood sample. To make up for the dilution effect of the additive, the analysis result must be multiplied by 1.16. This is required to obtain the “in-vivo glucose concentration” in the plasma.