Customized services for IVD industry
MedixMAB Services cover recombinant antibody development, contract manufacturing of antibodies, antibody conjugation and coating of microplates. MedixMAB by Design is a customized recombinant antibody production service that off ers a possibility to produce customized next generation antibodies. With MedixMAB recombinant antibodies the affinity is improved and cross reactions with existing monoclonal antibodies are reduced. MedixMAB by Design utilizes phage display libraries and human retinal cell line for flexible monoclonal antibody production. MedixMAB manufacturing is a contract manufacturing service that enables the outsourcing of antibody manufacturing in a more efficient and economical way. It is based on a specially developed streamlined process for the production of monoclonal antibodies in vitro utilizing hollow fibre technology. MedixMAB Coating & Conjugation offers monoclonal antibodies coated with HRP or AP enzymes and microplates coated with desired antibodies.
Supplier: Medix Biochemica Oy AB