
Image analysis platform

Combining fluorescence and brightfield analysis capabilities in a single platform, with precision cell modelling, Tissue IA 2.0 offers a superior solution for IHC biomarker quantification. A major challenge in research today is retrieval of quantitative, reproducible data from tissue-based IHC studies. This platform provides expert tools for researchers to extract the most from their studies. Powerful colour separation and multi-marker colocalisation functionality provides advanced insight and unbiased measurement of multiple antigen immunostaining in brightfield or fluorescent samples. Sophisticated cell modelling accurately detects and quantifies differential expression of staining in cellular compartments, providing detailed insight into cytoplasmic, membrane and nuclear biomarker localisation. The advanced dual staining capabilities enable cell cohorts at the molecular level to be identified. One marker can identify a population of interest and expression of a second can be quantified, providing exceptional analysis performance and greater understanding of slides. With high throughput batch analysis capacity, the platform will process whole slides, regions of interest or tissue microarray cores, and automatically integrate analysis results with a user’s slides.

Supplier: Leica Mikrosystems GmbH

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