Liquid chemistry controls

Containing 100 analytes all within one vial, Acusera Liquid Assayed Chemistry Premium and Premium Plus drastically reduce the number of individual controls a laboratory needs to run, whilst ensuring highly accurate results. The controls contain a unique combination of proteins, lipids, immunoassays, cardiac markers, therapeutic drugs and routine chemistry analytes. High levels of CRP and key proteins eliminate the need for multiple controls.  The controls are assayed, with clinically significant values provided for a range of analysers at key decision points. Available in three concentration levels covering the full clinical range, the controls are liquid for ease of use and highly stable when stored at -20 to -70°C with open vial stability of up to 7 days at +2-8°C. Manufactured using high quality human-based serum, ensuring performance that closely mirrors patient samples, these true third party controls enable unbiased and independent assessment of analytical performance.

Supplier: Randox Laboratories Ltd.

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