Ziath has introduced Cyclops — a new linear and 2D barcode reader for its popular DataPaq Mirage, Cube and Express rack readers.
Cyclops is designed to accurately read linear or 2D codes printed on the edge of tube racks. This enables laboratories to use racks without an integral “97”th code or orientation barcode on the underside, a useful capability as not all rack manufacturers provide these features. The Cyclops also illuminates the side of your barcoded rack during read, ensuring an accurate rack read under all lighting conditions.
Beneficially the Cyclops is also able to read barcodes on racks of different size, and with variations in the location of the printed code on larger racks without requiring any adjustment, thereby saving you time and eliminating reading errors.
Using Ziath’s powerful DP5 high-speed rack decoding software an attached Cyclops reader can be selected as on or off according to the rack type in use. Additionally, DP5 provides facility to store three different rack templates for each numeric format. For example, 96-position racks with no rack code, an integral orientation code or to use the Cyclops device to read rack barcode. This advanced capability allows organisations to use racks from different manufacturers and switch easily between them including legacy racks that have neither code.
The EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2 is a multiplex PCR-based test for fast and efficient detection of SARS-CoV-2, including the new variant omicron (B.1.1.529 lineage), as well as alpha (B.1.1.7 lineage), beta (B.1.351 lineage), gamma (P.1 lineage), delta (B1.617.2 lineage), lambda (C.37 lineage) and mu (B.1.621 lineage).
Reverse transcription and real-time PCR are performed in one step, so that only one reaction is required per sample. The detection of SARS-CoV-2 is based on two defined target sequences in the ORF1ab and N genes of the viral genome, ensuring high sensitivity.
A further test, the EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2/Influenza A/B, provides combined testing for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus types A and B. This assay aids discrimination between the clinically overlapping diseases COVID-19 and influenza, identification of potential co-infections and epidemiological surveillance.
The efficient parallel testing saves time and resources, enabling more patient analyses to be performed per day and helping to conserve laboratory materials that are in short supply. Both EURORealTime assays incorporate numerous controls, including an internal amplification control and a positive control, to ensure reliable results.
The assays are CE-marked and validated for commonly used real-time PCR cyclers. Complementary EURORealTime Analysis software provides fully automated and standardised evaluation and documentation of results, including all control results. Comprehensive automation options for sample preparation, PCR setup and PCR performance are available.
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Thermo Fisher Scientific has introduced new solution for proteomics research and announced a series of co-marketing agreements with industry experts, advancing the throughput, comprehensiveness and quality of proteomics workflows for applications such as single-cell studies and translational research.
“Proteomics research has the potential to expand our scientific understanding and uncover new biomarkers to meet unmet medical needs,” said Andreas Huhmer, senior director, life sciences research omics marketing, Thermo Fisher Scientific. “While there has been significant progress in our ability to perform advanced analyses such as single-cell and translational proteomics, there are still improvements needed in the efficiency and reproducibility of workflows. The agreements will enable us to continue to deliver innovative proteomics solutions to customers with a goal to make these workflows accessible to everyone.”
Thermo Fisher is extending their co-marketing agreement with Biognosys, a leading developer of next-generation proteomics solutions, to provide laboratories performing high-throughput plasma analysis with innovative and streamlined instruments, kits and software to enable efficient and accurate workflows at scale. The PQ500 Reference Peptide Kit from Biognosys is able to quantify more than 500 proteins in human plasma/serum samples as part of the SureQuant IS-PRM workflow, enabled only with the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer, delivering sensitive and accurate quantitation to drive scientific progress or clinical decision making. Biognosys’ SpectroDive software extends research applications to targeted proteomics enabling automated MS method set-up, signal processing and analysis of targeted experiments, such as the SureQuant IS-PRM workflow.
New liquid chromatography solution
The new Thermo Scientific Vanquish Neo Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) System complements high-resolution Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass spectrometry for proteomics analyses, minimizing sample loss and delivering the highest quality of data. The new system is designed for high-sensitivity LC-MS applications, with excellent analytical performance at flow rates from 1 nL/min to 100 µL/min up to 1500 bar. The separation capabilities and reproducibility of this all-in-one nano-, capillary- and micro-flow LC system will help users to overcome limitations of existing low-flow LC instruments.
Thermo Fisher has also extended its chromatography portfolio through the acquisition of Belgium-based PharmaFluidics, the developer of the μPAC range of micro-chip-based chromatography columns. The µPAC portfolio of columns enhance LC performance in biomarker, proteomics and drug research and development applications, helping biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies uncover new insights and advance scientific discovery.
One of Thermo Fisher’s goals is to provide customers with a platform to effectively and efficiently analyse thousands of single cells. A co-marketing agreement between Thermo Fisher and Cellenion, experts in single-cell sample preparation solutions, will deliver a full workflow, from sample to results, for scientists performing single-cell proteomics analysis. Laborious sample preparation has typically held back single-cell MS methods. To overcome this, Cellenion’s sample preparation solution, cellenONE, combines single-cell isolation and nanolitre dispensing to perform every step of the sample preparation using a single device. With single-cell proteomics providing vital information on the state of individual cells within heterogeneous environments, the combination of this sample preparation technology with Thermo Fisher’s TMT multiplexing technologies and Orbitrap mass spectrometers will open new doors for researchers.
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The reactivity of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells can be determined using a new CE-marked interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) from EUROIMMUN – the Quan-T-Cell System. The Quan-T-Cell ELISA used in combination with the Quan-T-Cell SARS-CoV-2 enables fast, automatable and quantitative determination of the IFN-γ released by SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells.
The assay is performed on heparinised whole blood samples, circumventing the need to prepare purified peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs). In the test procedure, the T cells in the patient samples are stimulated using spike protein-based antigens in the provided tubes and the released IFN-γ is subsequently measured using a fully automated quantitative ELISA.
The IGRA supports detection of past contact with SARS-CoV-2 or detection of an immune response following vaccination against the virus. The Quan-T-Cell System is already well established in the research field and has been used for numerous published studies investigating immune responses in healthy individuals and in vulnerable groups such as immunocompromised persons, elderly persons or dialysis patients.
The Quan-T-Cell System complements EUROIMMUN’s extensive portfolio of COVID-19 diagnostic tests, which encompasses RT-PCR assays, diverse ELISAs, immunoblot, a dried blood spot sample collection set, as well as comprehensive automation options for all tests.
https://clinlabint.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/clinlab-logo.png00panglobalhttps://clinlabint.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/clinlab-logo.pngpanglobal2021-12-13 09:27:292023-12-15 10:22:23EUROIMMUN releases new assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 reactive T cells
Regular colony counts are part of the day-to-day tasks of many laboratories in order to rule out the contamination of products with bacteria, viruses, yeasts, or moulds during production. To do this, Petri dishes containing the relevant samples are evaluated in order to determine the number of colonies formed. While the classic manual counting method means that every single colony has to be marked individually, automatic devices can analyse numerous Petri dishes of the same type very quickly. However, this requires time-consuming programming and preparation that may not be feasible if there is a small number of samples amounting to just a few Petri dishes a day.
The ColonyStar automatic from Funke-Gerber resolves this issue. The device, which is equipped with a camera and a cordless, detachable tablet, makes the analysis of Petri dishes both fast and straightforward. The unique assist mode is particularly helpful: After tapping on a colony via touchscreen, other colonies of the same type are automatically recorded, marked, and counted. The selection can be corrected at any time. In this way, the lab worker retains full control while also achieving huge time savings.
Total bacterial count
In hygiene management and quality control, the total bacterial count is one of the most important parameters. It states how many micro-organisms are contained within a sample. Depending on the type of micro-organism, there are limits that may not be exceeded in order to protect consumers from diseases such as food poisoning. As a result, samples are routinely cultured on Petri dishes in order to be able to determine the micro-organism concentration after a certain period via a colony count. Older devices in particular, however, that required the counting of every colony individually using a light table and microscope, made this task a time-consuming ordeal.
“A Petri dish like this, if it is processed at the right dilution, has between 150 and 200 colonies,” explains Konrad Schäfer, CEO of Funke-Dr. N. Gerber Labortechnik GmbH. “If they have to be counted manually, the person counting has to maintain their concentration and mark each colony individually. A routine task can quickly become a time-consuming endeavour.”
The previous method for colony counting also does not allow for the markings to be changed, which increases the risk of some colonies being counted twice. Automatic devices are more reliable but they are generally designed to handle larger batches and require a certain amount of effort to be invested beforehand.
“As a result of their complexity, such systems are a major financial investment. On the other hand, time-consuming preparations are necessary in order to program them because colony diameters or maximum/minimum contrast must be defined prior to automatic operation,” says Schäfer.
The ColonyStar automatic from Funke-Gerber, however, has been developed so that the device significantly accelerates manual counting with a semi-automatic counting mode. In order to mark 200 colonies, for example, only between four and 15 actions are necessary. The device operator retains complete control and does not have to rely solely on the device, as is the case with fully automatic solutions. In addition to this assist mode, the system can still be trained to identify selected colonies so that fully automatic colony counts can be conducted on predefined samples.
Additionally, the device features a fully automatic counting mode. The system can also be trained to recognize certain strains of bacteria and agar media. To do this, you can analyse ten to 15 Petri dishes containing the same species on the same agar media and then, after the learning phase, save it as a profile, such as Salmonella or yeast. Colonies of the same type that match these can then be analyzed fully automatically.
Biotium, a leading life science reagent supplier and inventor of the widely used ‘EvaGreen’ qPCR Dye, has released ‘EvaRuby’ Dye for qPCR and HRM. This spectrally unique red fluorescent intercalating dye can be incorporated into probe-based qPCR assays, expanding multiplexing options for probe-based qPCR. EvaRuby Dye is compatible with ~470 nm excitation and ~610 nm emission filters.
While a variety of DNA binding dyes with different fluorescence emission properties have been published for use in qPCR and HRM, only the green fluorescent dyes SYBR Green I, SYTO 9, and EvaGreen Dye have widespread use in these applications. EvaGreen Dye is currently the only dye suitable for qPCR and HRM in the same reaction, however, due to its relatively broad emission, EvaGreen cannot be combined with red PCR probes for multiplexing or HRM in probe qPCR reactions.
As a solution, Biotium scientists have developed EvaRuby, a unique dye with a much longer Stokes shift of 480/613 nm (excitation/emission). This allows excitation of EvaRuby Dye by the same green/blue channel as EvaGreen Dye, and detection in the orange (JUN or ROX) channel. As a result, EvaRuby Dye has minimal cross-talk in standard probe detection channels and enables the combination of dye-based and probe-based qPCR in a single reaction. In addition, EvaRuby Dye is validated for HRM analysis and may be used as an internal control for probe-based qPCR to detect non-specific amplification that goes undetected by target-specific probes. EvaRuby Dye is also suitable for singleplex qPCR, LAMP, and gel electrophoresis.
EvaRuby Dye has been validated on Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 96-well and Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q instruments, with potential compatibility for other qPCR instruments capable of acquiring data using ~470 nm excitation and ~610 nm emission filters.
Features and benefits of EvaRuby Dye include:
Spectrally Unique: Minimal cross-talk in neighboring channels
Flexible: Unique red dye that expands multiplexing capabilities for probe-based qPCR
Versatile: Can combine probe-based qPCR with HRM in the same reaction
Convenient: Easily confirm your results with melt curve analysis rather than time consuming post-qPCR gel electrophoresis
The release of EvaRuby Dye adds to Biotium’s industry-leading catalogue of qPCR reagents for life science research.
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Drawing upon over 30-years’ experience of serving the glycobiology research community, AMSBIO has established a comprehensive portfolio of high-quality reagents including unique ranges of antibodies, lectins, enzymes, assay kits and standards, backed by in-depth technical support.
Glycobiology (the study of the structure, biosynthesis, and biology of carbohydrates) is a complex and dynamic area of research that combines enzymology, molecular and cellular biology, organic chemistry and materials science. Widely acknowledged as critical for both cellular biology and studies of carbohydrate-based drugs and therapeutics, glycobiology is a rapidly expanding field of research that is attracting a lot of attention.
Dr William Hadlington-Booth, Glycobiology product manager commented: “To maintain our global reputation as the premier supplier for the glycobiology research community, we’re constantly introducing new leading-edge products as well as investing in inventory to help us supply researchers with key reagents when they need them.”
Working with leading research groups – AMSBIO has established an unmatched range of monoclonal antibodies and binding proteins for proteoglycan, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and ganglioside research including Heparan Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, Keratan Sulfate and Hyaluronic Acid. AMSBIO’s antibodies provide high levels of specificity and affinity to target antigens; and most glycobiology antibodies work across many model species.
AMSBIO also offers a comprehensive range of specialist enzymes for glycobiology research and other applications. The company’s glycosaminoglycan (GAG) degrading enzymes include chondroitinase, heparinase and hyaluronidase enzymes.
The enzymes heparanase and hyaluronidase both play essential roles degrading carbohydrates in the extracellular matrix; and chondroitinase ABC has been associated with promoting neural repair and plasticity. AMSBIO offers kits for measuring activity of these enzymes in cell culture supernatants, plasma and other biological fluids, and tissue samples. These kits have been widely used by leading research groups for studies on anti-inflammatory responses, kidney disease, and cancer as they solve the standardization and performance issues associated with traditional measurement techniques for these types of enzymes.
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Alpha Laboratories has introduced the new Polyethylene glycol allergens from BÜHLMANN to the UK. These are for use with the FlowCAST basophil activation assay, providing a safer approach to determine those with a hypersensitivity reaction to PEG.
Allergy to Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is rare but can be severe. It is suspected to be the primary cause of allergic reactions in those individuals who have reacted adversely to COVID-19 vaccines. PEG is used as a stabiliser of lipid nanoparticles in the formulation of mRNA-based vaccines, thus allergy to it is increasingly being recognised.
Basophil activation testing (BAT) has been validated to support and investigate Polyethylene glycol (PEG) hypersensitivity reactions. BAT is performed on whole blood samples and offers a much safer, non-invasive alternative to allergy testing, compared with traditional in-vivo allergy tests, such as a skin prick test
PEGs at different molecular weights may result in different reactivity of patient basophils, so BÜHLMANN has produced several PEG allergens to maximise the chance of detecting an allergic response in a patient:
PEG 4000 – Linear PEG of molecular weight in the range of 3500-4500
PEG 2000 – Linear PEG of molecular weight in the range of 1900-2200
DMG PEG 2000 – Lipid component with a PEG 2000 chain
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TRIMERO Diagnostics offers, under the brand KLoneus®, IVD CE marked nephelometric assays for testing FREE LIGHT CHAINS (FLC) on Beckman Coulter’s IMMAGE® Immunochemical Systems.
H.E.L Group, a global developer and manufacturer of innovative laboratory tools for process optimization, safety, and scale-up, has released the latest version of its laboratory automation software, labCONSOL 1.2. The new functionality included in the update further enhances the intuitive user experience to increase lab productivity and efficiency, and facilitate process automation.
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