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Mild hypothyroidism describes the condition where the plasma levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) are above the ‘normal’ upper limit (which is still a subject of debate) but where there is no equivalent change in circulating levels of the thyroid hormones tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Many studies have concluded that since the majority of patients suffering from mild hypothyroidism have few signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction and that eventual overt disease is not inevitable, screening is not cost-effective except during pregnancy or in cases where there is a family history of thyroid disease or prior thyroid dysfunction. However there are two groups of people, namely menopausal women and subjects with Down syndrome (DS), who are particularly at risk and who may have difficulty recognising symptoms of overt disease should they occur. Might it not be prudent to screen these high-prevalence populations on a regular basis?
Various studies have shown that by the age of 50 around 10% of women have some symptoms of hypothyroidism, and by the age of 65 the prevalence in women is in the range of 15-20%. Not only is hypothyroidism an insidious condition, but several of the symptoms are also commonly associated with the menopause, including fatigue, sleep disturbances, weight gain, mild cognitive impairment and depression. It is thus likely that many older women with thyroid dysfunction do not seek help, and several studies have shown that many remain undiagnosed even if such help is sought. Indeed a survey by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists found that only a quarter of women who had discussed their menopausal sysmptoms with a physician were tested for thyroid function, though it is know that these symptoms are greatly alleviated when euthyroidism is maintained.
While routine screening detects the increased prevalence of congenital hypothyroidism in neonates with DS, thyroid dysfunction presenting later affects around five percent of DS children and over ten percent of adults. Clinical diagnosis in this group is problematic, since the DS phenotype can mask clinical features of thyroid disease, and such symptoms may also be attributed to the syndrome itself. In addition some patients may not be able to articulate their symptoms effectively.
So surely the regular screening of older women and subjects with Down syndrome is warranted to ensure that overt thyroid disease is avoided or treated promptly should it occur.
Plague is an acute bacterial infection in man caused by Yersinia pestis. Historically, it has resulted in devastating pandemics (Black Death) throughout the world with high mortality rates in which pneumonic man-to-man transmission followed the usual flea-to-man transmission [1]. Plague may have retreated over the past decades due to availability of effective antibiotics and intensive vector control, but it has not been completely eradicated [2], and the third pandemic can be regarded as still ongoing, since Y. pestis sporadically re-emerges from its reservoir of wild rodents and spreads to the human population [3]. During the last 15 years more than 20 countries have reported plague cases to the WHO [3].
Outbreaks of plague in India emphasise the need to maintain the necessary skills and public health infrastructure to detect, monitor and combat a wide range of in infectious disease agents. Y. pestis is spread by aerosol and is usually fatal if treatment is not started within 24 hours of onset of symptoms [3,4]. A precise and quick diagnosis of plague allows prompt intervention, especially necessary during plague outbreaks. When rapidly diagnosed and promptly treated, plague may be successfully managed with antibiotics, reducing the mortality from 60% to less than 15% [5,6].
Clinical features
The diagnosis of plague still relies on clinical symptoms and exposure history in most endemic areas [1,3]. The three main clinical presentations of plague are bubonic, septicaemic and pneumonic plague. Bubonic plague is the classical form of the disease, characterised by fever, headache, chills and swollen, extremely tender lymph nodes or buboes within 2-6 days after contact with the pathogen. Buboes typically involve lymph nodes that drain the site of initial infection and are usually located in the inguinal, axillary or cervical region. In septicaemic plague, patients have positive blood cultures without palpable lymphadenopathy. Clinical symptoms, such as chills, headache, malaise and gastrointestinal disturbances resemble septicaemia caused by other gram negative bacteria. Pneumonic plague is the rarest form of plague with the highest mortality rate. Signs of pneumonic plague include severe pneumonia accompanied by high fever, dyspnea and often haemoptysis.
Laboratory diagnosis
Laboratory diagnosis of plague is mainly based on bacteriological and/or serological evidence. However molecular biological techniques based on PCR and DNA hybridisation have also been developed in recent years. Plague should be suspected if: clinical symptoms are compatible with plague i. e., fever and lymphadenopathy in a person who resides in or has recently travelled to a plague-endemic area; and small gram-negative and/or bipolar-staining coccobacilli are seen on a smear taken from affected tissues, e.g. bubo (bubonic plague), blood (septicaemic plague) and tracheal/lung aspirate (pneumonic plague).
The presumptive diagnosis of plague can be made if: an immunofluorescence stain of a relevant sample is positive for the presence of Y. pestis Fraction 1 capsular (F1) antigen; and a single serum specimen is tested and the anti-F1 antigen titre by agglutination is >1:10.* Confirmed plague is diagnosed if: an isolated culture is lysed by specific bacteriophage; two serum specimens demonstrate a four fold anti-F1 antigen titre rise by agglutination testing;* and a single serum specimen tested by agglutination has a titre of >1:128 and the patient has no known previous plague exposure or vaccination history.*
*Agglutination testing must be shown to be specific to Y. pestis F1 antigen by
haemagglutination inhibition.
Bacteriological work-up
This includes microscopy, isolation by cultivation, identification and confirmation by NAT tests and animal pathogenicity tests for Y. pestis. Specimens should be obtained from relevant sites at the appropriate time to enhance the reliability of the results. The preferred specimen for microscopic examination and isolation from a bubonic case is pus from an accessible bubo, which contains numerous organisms. Blood cultures should be taken whenever possible, particularly in septicaemic plague. Bronchial/tracheal washing should be taken from patients suspected of pneumonic plague. Throat swabs are not ideal for isolation of plague bacilli since they often contain many other bacteria that can mask the
presence of plague organisms [9].
Staining techniques such as Gram, Giemsa, Wright or Wayson stains can provide supportive but not confirmatory evidence of plague [2]. Blood smears taken from suspected bubonic plague patients are frequently negative as the bacteria are intermittently released from lymph nodes; periodic specimen collection at 10-30 minutes intervals gives more reliable results [9]. Sputum or throat smears taken from pneumonic plague patients may contain too many other organisms which can mask plague if only the staining techniques mentioned above are used. In addition smears should be stained using the more specific fluorescent antibody test (FA), which utilises fluorescent dye and targets capsular F1 antigen expressed predominantly at 37° C [2,9]. A positive fluorescent antibody test can be used as presumptive evidence of Y. pestis infection however it necessitates a specialised instrument along with costly reagents. Samples that have been refrigerated for more than 30 hours or collected from cultures that were incubated at temperatures lower than 35°C (from fleas, for instance) may be negative [2].
Specimens intended for culture should be taken before antibiotic therapy is started [2]. Y. pestis takes two days to form visible, hammered metal-like colonies. If patients have been treated with a bacteriostatic antibiotic for more than four days, bacterial cultures should be incubated for more than five days to allow the remaining organisms to build up a population. A single colony from the culture is then tested for Y. pestis using biochemical tests, inoculation into laboratory animals and use of specific bacteriophage. All automated microbiological test systems are not programmed to identify Y. pestis and its low growth rate restricts the use of biochemical identification [2]. Lysis by specific bacteriophage is used by the CDC to conclusively identify Y. pestis [2], but all these procedures are too complex and time-consuming, and also expensive. Furthermore, incorrect handling while shipping the specimens from the collection centre to the diagnostic centres may lead to desiccation, contamination of the samples and consequent death of the bacteria [6].
Serological analysis
Serological tests are useful especially when cultures yield negative results [9] and/or only serum samples are available as clinical specimens. Such tests are often used retrospectively to confirm the diagnosis of plague; paired serum samples are collected during either the acute and convalescent phases or the convalescent and post-convalescent phases. Serological tests are primarily based on Passive Haemagglutination (PHA) tests and ELISA [10]. PHA has been routinely performed for the last 30 years for the serodiagnosis of plague according to the procedure described by the WHO (1970), which advocates the use of formaldehyde-fixed and F1 sensitised sheep RBC. Being a simple, cheap, rapid and sensitive method, it is regularly practiced at CDC to analyse samples for the presence of anti-F1 antibodies. A four-fold rise in the titre is considered confirmatory for plague. A single serum sample with a titre greater than 1:10 in a person not previously infected or vaccinated against plague is presumptive evidence of recent infection [2]. However, PHA has proved to be an invaluable tool in surveillance programmes for large scale screening [11].
Using monoclonal antibody as a capture antibody and purified rabbit immunoglobulin as an indicator, Williams et al described an ELISA that detects up to 8 ng of F1 antigen per mL serum [12]. ELISA has been used to measure the level of F1 antigen as well as IgG and IgM antibodies to F1 antigen. Detection of IgM antibodies by ELISA in convalescent phase sera is indicative of recent infection. However because of the low concentration of IgM antibody relative to IgG, it is conceivable that some early convalescent phase sera may be IgG positive but IgM negative [12]. Even though it is efficient for serodiagnosis, plague ELISA is not widely accepted because it is less sensitive than FA [12], difficult to perform in the field, and requires specific equipment and expensive reagents.
As well as the two tests described above, tests such as complement fixation and immunodiffusion tests have also been used for plague diagnosis, but have not been widely accepted due to their long turn around time and greater complexity [12]. Furthermore the rarely encountered cases with weak F1 antigen expression also limit the sensitivity of serodiagnostic tests for plague. The latest developments in immunological test design have resulted in availability of rapid diagnostic tests (RDT for plague diagnosis, discussed later in this article.
Nucleic acid tests
When live organisms are not available, e.g., in specimens taken postmortem from lymphoid tissues, lung and bone marrow, DNA of Y. pestis can still be detected [2, 9, 10]. Such methods include PCR and DNA hybridisation techniques. PCR, utilising primers derived from the pla and caf 1 genes that are contained in two different Y. pestis virulence plasmids, can detect levels as low as 10-50 bacteria and thereby help in presumptive diagnosis of plague [10]. However the sensitivity of the method was found to be low when it was used in a field study [13]. This may have been due to suboptimal field conditions and the small volumes of samples used for DNA extraction [13]. Several methods for amplification of Y. pestis DNA have been developed, but none of them has been evaluated with clinical specimens. In spite of its probable usefulness in field studies, DNA hybridisation techniques are of minimal value due to their low limit of detection (minimum of 105 bacteria) and the longer time required to perform the tests [2].
Rapid tests
Even though a number of presumptive and confirmative techniques are available, none are sufficiently simple, economical and non-instrumental to be used routinely by clinical laboratories and in field studies, surveillance or point-of-care testing [2]. The RDT for plague based on F1 antigen has been tested in laboratories and has provided promising results. It is as specific as and at least as sensitive as the available standard methods for plague diagnosis. The excellent specificity of RDT coupled with its lower detection threshold makes it a very useful screening test, in addition to bacteriological tests and ELISA [4].
Span’s Crystal Ypes is a simple and cost-effective RDT based on the principle of immunochromatography. As in the company’s other immunochromatography tests, monoclonal antibodies labelled with a visually detectable marker viz. colloid gold bind to the target antigen. The complex is arrested at the test area (band) coated with another monoclonal antibody and forms a visible band. To the best of our knowledge, it is the only commercially available RDT to diagnose plague at present. The test detects the F1 antigen specific for Y. pestis, which is present in large amount in sputum and bubo samples of infected people. The F1 antigen is stable in tropical climates and can be still be detected in patients after several days of treatment [4]. F1 antigen is detected at a wider range of concentration than other tests, within 10-15 minutes, without the prozone phenomenon, thus avoiding false negative results especially in post mortem specimens or sputum specimens which can contain a very high concentration of F1 antigen [4]. The striking feature of Crystal Ypes is the innovative design of its sample processing device, which minimises the laboratory operator’s contact with highly contagious clinical specimens such as bubo aspirates and tracheal wash without compromising the ease and simplicity of carrying out the test. Because the F1 antigen is highly stable, and there is a reasonably good detection threshold, a short time to result and the test is cost-effective, it is the most suitable test for the immunodetection of plague even in anthropological applications such as burial site studies, especially when archeological and historical data are incomplete or non-existent [14,15].
1. Butler T et al. Journal of infectious disease 1977; 136(2): 317-320.
2. Perry RD and. Fetherston JD. Clinical Microbiology reviews 1997; 10(1): 35-66.
3. Thullier P et al. Am J Med Hyg 2003; 69(4): 450-451.
4. Chanteau S et al. The lancet 2003; 361: 211-216.
5. WHO programmes and projects global alert and response, disease covered by EPR, Plague, 2009.
6. Leal NC, de Almedia MP. Rev Med trop S Paulo 1999; 41(6):339-342.
7. Infectious disease epidemiology section office of Public health, Louisiana Dept of Health and hospitals, plague, 2004.
8. CDC report, Division of vector born disease, Plague, Laboratory test criteria for diagnosis of plague, 2005.
9. CDC, Plague diagnosis CDC Division of vector born infectious diseases, 2005.
10. Murry PR et al. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 8th Ed. ASM press, 2003, 673-683.
11. de Almeida AMP and de Souza FLC. Mem Inst Inst Oswaldo Cru [online]. 1992; 87 n.1 ISSN 0074-0276. [Online]. 1992; 87 no.1 ISSN 0074-0276
12. Shepherd AJ et al. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1986; 24(6):1075-1078.
13. Rahalison L et al. Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, Antananarivo, Madagascar 1999.
14. Bianucci R et al. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2008; 136(3):361-7
15. Bianucci R et al. C R biologies 2007; 33: 0747-754.
Span Diagnostics Ltd
Udhna, Surat, India
AB SCIEX achieves ISO 13485 certification for manufacturing of LC/MS systems, and opens Asia Pacific Application & Training Centre in Singapore’s biomedical hub
AB SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, today announced that it has achieved ISO 13485 certification for its quality management system. This certifies an international standard that requires a manufacturer to demonstrate a comprehensive and compliant quality management system suitable for the design and manufacturing of medical devices. Such certification is often considered a first step toward complying with European regulatory requirements for a device to be cleared for use in the clinic. AB SCIEX currently manufactures and sells LC/MS/MS systems for research use only.
‘AB SCIEX is taking the necessary steps to be compliant with regulatory requirements that govern entry into clinical diagnostics,’ said Rainer Blair, President of AB SCIEX. ‘Achieving the ISO 13485 certification is an important measure toward realising the vision of our LC/MS/MS systems to be cleared for use in clinics. The potential impact of mass spectrometry technologies on clinical diagnostics is significant.’
The ISO 13485 certification covers AB SCIEX’s manufacturing facility in Singapore as well as its R&D design center in Toronto, Canada. AB SCIEX is a leader with more than 20 years of innovation and market leadership. Its instrumentation is used in clinical research, forensic toxicology, biomedical research and drug discovery and development. The achievement of ISO certification offers customers and suppliers an additional level of confidence in the quality and reliability of AB SCIEX instruments as well as the company’s commitment to continuous improvement.
AB SCIEX has also announced the opening of its newest APAC Regional Application & Training Centre. Located in Singapore’s biomedical hub at Biopolis, this centre provides comprehensive service, support and application development to enable the scientific community in Singapore and the rest of ASEAN, Australia New Zealand, Japan and Korea to continue its increasing use of mass spectrometry technologies for a broad range of applications. The new Singapore facility complements the regional application support centre that the company opened last year in Shanghai, China.
This Singapore facility serves as a regional hub for the scientific community to learn about the latest innovations in analytical-based laboratory instrumentation. Its primary functions include sample analysis, instrument and workflow demonstrations, comprehensive training programs, region-specific applications development, on-site and remote customer support, and scientific collaborations with research leaders in a variety of life science disciplines. The company has a long history of partnership throughout the life science industry within Singapore and across the Asia Pacific region. It serves a broad range of customers in government agencies, academic research, clinical research and pharmaceutical industries.
‘Leading companies such as AB SCIEX continue to play an important role in the development of Singapore’s biomedical sciences sector by providing the latest tools to advance our efforts in drug discovery research. This new centre is an excellent example of how companies can foster synergies and partnerships with the research community in Biopolis to develop innovative and region-specific solutions for Asia,’ said Mr. Kevin Lai, Deputy Director, Biomedical Sciences, Singapore Economic Development Board.’
‘AB SCIEX continues to be a trusted partner for our customers and collaborators in Singapore and throughout the Asia Pacific region,’ said Johnson Ho, Vice President of Sales, Asia-Pacific. ‘Our new APAC Regional Application & Training Centre represents our commitment to deliver world-class service and support to help our customers address critical issues, such as food safety, environmental contamination and the accuracy of clinical research results.’
Over the last three years, the haematology laboratory at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) in Abu Dhabi has introduced two STA-R Evolution analysers to fully automate coagulation testing. CLI spoke to Dima Yassin, Senior Supervisor in the haematology lab at SKMC, to discover how the new system has improved quality and efficiency in her lab and benefited both patients and healthcare personnel.
Q. Could you first tell us a little about the Sheikh Khalifa Medical City. What is its structure, how is it managed and what patient population does it serve?
Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC), managed by Cleveland Clinic, serves as the flagship institution for SEHA, Abu Dhabi’s healthcare organisation. SKMC was formed in 2005 as a result of merged healthcare entities in the Island of
Abu Dhabi.
SKMC comprises a 568 bed acute care hospital, 14 outpatient speciality clinics and a blood bank, all accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI). In addition, SKMC manages a 125 bed behavioral sciences pavilion, six family medicine clinics, two urgent Care Centres and two dental Centres.
Q. How is the diagnostic laboratory structured and roughly how many tests are carried out per day?
The diagnostic laboratory in SKMC is a CAP (College of American Pathology) accredited laboratory. The laboratory offers a full range of clinical laboratory services for the detection and diagnosis of disease. These services include phlebotomy, anatomical pathology, cytology, clinical chemistry, haematology/coagulation, microbiology, blood transfusion, a donor blood bank unit, immunology, serology, molecular pathology, histocompatibility testing and point-of-care testing. We run around 160,000 procedures per month.
Q. How many of these tests involve the haematology lab, and which tests are most frequently carried out in this lab? Are coagulation tests a major part of your workload and is this increasing? Do you carry out coagulation tests on pre-surgical patients as well as on patients who have coagulation abnormalities, or are on anticoagulation therapy?
In the haematology department at SKMC, we process around 1000 specimens per day, which include routine haematology and coagulation testing, special haematology and coagulation testing, bone marrow processing and flow cytometry. Coagulation is a vital part of our testing activities, which include monitoring patients on anticoagulant therapy, pre-surgical screening and investigation of coagulopathies.
Q.When did you invest in STA-R Evolution automated coagulation analysers for these tests and what were your reasons for choosing these instruments?
We installed the first STA-R Evolution analyser in our lab in 2008, and then followed this by the second STA-R Evolution analyser in 2010. Because the work load was increasing, we had decided we needed a fully automated stand-alone work station with high throughput and rapid processing of STAT samples
without the need to interrupt the current testing.
Q.What effect did the introduction of these analysers have on the organisation and productivity of the lab, and particularly on TATs?
The STA-R Evolution analysers are fully automated coagulation analysers designed to integrate comprehensive testing with minimal hands-on specimen handling. The analysers are fully integrated with the Laboratory Information System, which reduces turnaround times, increases quality and improves efficiency in the pre-analytical processing of specimens.
Q.Were you satisfied with the training and technical support you received?
The efficiency during the implementation, and in the planning and training provided by Diagnostica Stago played a vital role in the success of this project. This support continues to be available, with technical support provided as well as further updates and training workshops.
Q. Will you still be able to cope should your workload increase substantially?
Recently, we implemented a fully automated coagulation line integrated with two STA-R evolution analysers. This new technology is designed to accommodate a larger volume of work that can be completed in an efficient and timely manner.
Q.Finally how would you say that medical and technical staff, and most importantly the patients, have benefited from the introduction of these coagulation analysers?
The automated system eliminates almost all hands-on specimen handling for routine tests. It improves turnaround times and ensures that specimens are processed in an efficient and consistent manner. This allows us to provide high quality patient care.
Diagnostica Stago
Asnières sur Seine, France
November 2024
The leading international magazine for Clinical laboratory Equipment for everyone in the Vitro diagnostics
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