ELISAs for Alzheimer’s disease
Determination of the biomarkers amyloid beta (Aβ) 1-40 and 1-42 and total tau in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is increasingly important for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, especially in the early stages. Measurement of these highly sensitive and specific analytes aids the classification and prognosis of dementia. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease show a significantly decreased level of Aβ 1-42, which is already detectable 5-10 years before the start of cognitive changes. Aβ 1-40 remains unchanged. The determination of the ratio Aβ 1-42 to Aβ 1-40 increases the efficiency of early diagnostics and might help to discriminate Alzheimer’s disease from vascular dementia. The concentrations of total tau and phosphorylated tau increase when patients show advanced neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment. It is thus possible to discriminate Alzheimer’s patients from healthy persons by means of CSF analyses. The analytes Aβ 1-42, Aβ 1-40 and total tau can be measured precisely and reproducibly using a new generation of test systems. The ELISAs are based on well-characterized capture antibodies. Lyophilized calibrators and controls provide convenient test performance, high precision and clinical accuracy. The procedures are highly standardized and can be automated on EUROIMMUN analysers and other open ELISA platforms. The assays were developed by EUROIMMUN in collaboration with ADx Neurosciences. The EUROIMMUN Beta- Amyloid (1-42), Beta-Amyloid (1-40) and Total-Tau ELISAs are CE-certified.
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