Food-specific IgG determination
A new range of immunoblot profiles allows determination of IgG antibodies against foods and food additives in patient serum samples. Testing for IgG antibodies can help to establish if a food intolerance is behind chronic symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea, migraine, asthma, eczema, arthritis or fatigue. If high concentrations of IgG antibodies against a particularly food are identified, elimination of the offending substance from the diet may help to relieve symptoms. The EUROLINE profiles include 108 or 216 foods and food additives, grouped into the categories gluten- containing cereals, gluten-free cereals and alternative foods, meats, dairy and egg, fruits, herbs and spices, nuts and seeds, vegetables, legumes, salads, mushrooms, fish and seafood and other foodstuffs such as yeasts, honey, coffee and black tea. Only small volumes of patient serum are required for the analysis, just 40 μl for 108 results. Results are evaluated semiquantitatively using four calibrators corresponding to the WHO reference serum 1st IRP 67/86. IgG-mediated food intolerance results from increased permeability of the intestinal wall, the so-called leaky gut syndrome. Food components pass into the bloodstream, inducing the production of IgG antibodies and the formation of immune complexes. The complexes are deposited in tissues, leading to inflammation and aggravation of existing conditions. Symptoms of food intolerance occur hours to days after ingestion of the food and can manifest in the entire body, not just the gastrointestinal tract. The relevant IgG subclasses in chronic inflammatory processes are IgG1, IgG2 and IgG3, whereas IgG4 plays a role in classic IgE-mediated allergies.
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