Autoimmunity & Allergy

Welcome to the Autoimmunity & Allergy section of Clinical laboratory International, a dedicated space for professionals seeking to expand their understanding of the complex interplay between autoimmune disorders and allergic reactions. This category delves into the intricate mechanisms of the immune system, where sometimes, the body’s defense turns against itself, leading to autoimmune diseases, or overreacts to harmless substances, resulting in allergies.

In this rapidly evolving field, we explore cutting-edge research, innovative diagnostic techniques, and the latest therapeutic approaches. Our focus encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, from the molecular basis of autoimmunity and allergy development to the clinical management of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma, and food allergies.

Latest posts in Autoimmunity & Allergies

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Autoantibodies against MDA-5: very important serological markers in amyopathic dermatomyositis with rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease